
2009-10-30 4:59 am
How can i find a good salesman in manulife? Every salesman said they are professional so i don't know how to find.

回答 (1)

2009-10-30 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hi Yvonne,

Thanks for the trust and confidence to Manulife products. I think you are looking
for a customer-care advisor who can provide a total solution for managing your
needs in risk protection and wealth management area.

To better achieve your aim, you can chat with your friends or collegues whether
their existing servicing agent can provide good caring service to them cos track
record is the best reference. One can provide a professional service or
not should be comment by their client intead of told by themself.

If you cannot search for such guy amongst your friends, you can give me a call
and hope I can help to solve your issue.

Financial Planning Officer - Manulife
Email: [email protected]
MP# 94630011

Personal Award:
Winner of SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planner Award 2009
2009財務策劃師獎 - 南華早報暨香港財策師學會合辦

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