
2009-10-30 4:16 am
Negative numbers appear for the first time in history in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (Jiu zhang suan-shu), which in its present form dates from the period of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), but may well contain much older material.[1] The Nine Chapters used red counting rods to denote positive coefficients and black rods for negative.[2] (this system is the exact opposite of contemporary printing of positive and negative numbers in the fields of banking, accounting, and commerce, wherein red numbers denote negative values and black numbers signify positive values). The Chinese were also able to solve simultaneous equations involving negative numbers

For a long time, negative solutions to problems were considered "false". In Hellenistic Egypt, Diophantus in the third century A.D. referred to an equation that was equivalent to 4x + 20 = 0 (which has a negative solution) in Arithmetica, saying that the equation was absurd.

The use of negative numbers was known in early India, and their role in situations like mathematical problems of debt was understood.[3] Consistent and correct rules for working with these numbers were formulated.[4] The diffusion of this concept led the Arab intermediaries to pass it to Europe.[3]

The ancient Indian Bakhshali Manuscript, which Pearce Ian claimed was written some time between 200 B.C. and A.D. 300,[5] while George Gheverghese Joseph dates it to about 400 AD and Takao Hayashi to no later than the early 7th century, carried out calculations with negative numbers, using "+" as a negative sign.

回答 (2)

2009-10-30 10:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
(公元前202年至公元220 年),但其中更包含了更古老的資料 。《九章算術》使用紅色的算籌來表示正數,黑色杆的算籌來表示負數(此方法正好與當代的銀行、會計及商業界中,以紅色列印負數值,黑色列印正數值相反)。中國人亦能解決涉及負數的聯立方程式。

長久以來,解式為負數的問題被視為謬誤的。 在希臘管治埃及期間,公元第三世紀時,丟番圖(Diophantus﹝公元246~330年﹞古代希臘人,被譽為『代數之父』)在其所寫的一本數學巨著《算術》(Arithmetica)中,題及一條方程式4 x +
20 = 0(其解式為負數),《算術》指這條方程式是謬誤的。


古印度數學專著《巴克沙利手稿》 (Bakhshali
Manuscript) [伊恩皮雅斯(Ian Pearce)認為此書寫於公元前200年至公元
300年之間;George Gheverghese Joseph認為此書於大約公元400年寫成;Takao Hayashi則認為該書不遲于第七世紀初寫成]中已使用負數進行運算及以“–”作為負號。

2009-10-30 4:25 am
負數顯示首次在歷史上九章數學藝術 (九張順樹),以目前的形式,可追溯到漢 (202年前 – 220 AD),時期,但也可能包含 [1] 的九章使用紅點票杆來表示正係數和黑色杆為負 [2] (此系統是相反的銀行、 會計及商業其中紅色的數位表示負值及黑的數位表示正值的欄位中的正負數位當代列印的)。 許多較舊的材料。 中國人亦能解決方程組涉及負數

很長的時間負解決問題被視為"false"。 在希臘的埃及地在第三個世紀于 Diophantus 提相當於 4 x + 20 = 0 (其中有負面的解決方案) Arithmetica,是荒謬的公式中的公式。

使用負數知道早期的印度,和數學問題如債項的情況下在作用得悉 [3] 制定一致和正確的規則,使用這些編號 [4] 的這一概念的擴散,導致阿拉伯仲介人,將其傳遞給歐洲 [3]。

古 Pearce 伊恩 · 聲稱寫一些 200 B.C.和于 300,[5] 之間的時間喬治 Gheverghese 約瑟夫 · 日期時,約有 400 AD 和隆生新作林到不遲于第七世紀初的印度 Bakhshali 稿進行計算與使用負數"+"負號作為。

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