主題: 決心戒賭 (中譯英)

2009-10-29 10:08 pm


請翻譯以上句子, 謝謝!

1) 只要有我滿意的答案一出現, 或者我肯定那一個是最佳的答案,
我通常都唔會等到限期就解決問題 (即係隨時都會解決).
2) 回答者無需勉強自己跟足我的原文翻譯, 只要你認為你所寫的係地道英語就可以啦! 我主要想透過欣賞大家的佳作從而得到多一點造句的靈感.
3) 我保證會尊重每一位回答者, 和不會隨便移除題目 (除非我的題目本身出錯).
4) 如果我自選最佳答案的話, 我會盡可能解釋我選擇的標準, 務求做到一個負責任的發問者. 如果有多過一個優質答案, 我就會將題目交付投票. 如果我作出錯誤的決擇, 並非選出實致名歸的最佳答案, 我僅此表示抱歉, 到時希望得到大家的善意提點!
5) 即使問題己解決, 但如果我找到有用的資料, 我都會張貼在有關的題目, 令資料更加豐富, 更加全面.


回答 (3)

2009-10-31 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
直到82年認識太太後,便決心戒賭,用心工作。 婚後兒女相繼出世,太太全職照顧家庭。 其後藉97回歸,我們一家出外旅遊,留下美麗的回憶。 那段日子,因收入理想,生活穩定,遠離了賭博。

The meeting of my wife in 1982 prompted my determination to quit the gambling addiction, and concentrated on my job. Our marriage was followed by the successive births of our children. My wife decided to stay home full time to care for the family. Then in 1997, for the occasion that marked the return of Hong Kong to Chinese Soverignty, we took the opportunity to travel abroad, and experienced beautiful and memorbale moments. In those days, I had desirable income and comfortable family life, so gambling was completely out of my mind.
參考: myself
2009-10-30 11:14 am
He was determined to quit gambling and concentrated on working until he met his wife on the year of 1982. His wife devoted her full efforts on taking care of the family after their marriage. After the taking over by the Communist in 1997, the whole family went on a trip and left lots of beautiful memories to cherish. He got away from gambling entirely due to the fact that the income and life were stable during that time.

2009-10-29 10:35 pm
Knows wife after 82 years, is determined to give up gambling, works attentively. After marriage children are born one after another, wife full-time employment attendance family. After that the affiliation 97 returns, our goes out the traveling, leaves behind the beautiful recollection. That days, because the income is ideal, the life was stable, has been far away from gambling.
參考: 自己

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