
2009-10-29 10:53 am
在香港,我們提倡每一個人都應該享有平等的機會。人們都應該要追求言論自由, 智識和學習機會,在社教化的影響下,我們都會認為這都是”應該”做的事。例如, 社教化使我們認為學歷是能力的象徵, 沒有高學歷是會被社會譴責,我們都會認為是對的。

回答 (3)

2009-10-30 11:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
We advocate that everybody has an equal opportunity in Hong Kong . We all look for freedom of speech and the opportunity of learning knowledge. All of us believe these are the things that we should do under the social influences. For example, we think that academic qualification signifies the degree of ability. We will be condemned by the society if we do not possess high academic qualifications, and we think these are correct.
2016-09-19 11:53 am
在香港,我們提倡每一個人都應該享有平等的機會。人們都應該要追求言論自由, 智識和學習機會,在社教化的影響下,我們都會認為這都是”應該”做的事。例如, 社教化使我們認為學歷是能力的象徵, 沒有高學歷是會被社會譴責,我們都會認為是對的。

In Hong Kong, we live with the belief that everyone is born equal. We all pursue freedom of speech, knowledge and freedom to receive education. We tend to think that these are what we are supposed to do according to norm of society. The process of socialisation makes us recognise academic qualifications as the symbol of competence. We may be criticised if we are without some outstanding academic qualifications, a phenomenon which most people would deem right.
2009-10-30 3:06 am



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