please edit my response jounral?

2009-10-29 3:31 am
On page 8 of the book Crow Lake, the main character, Kate, introduces her family members in a special way. She says that every member in a family has a role. “I remember reading somewhere a theory to the effect that each member of a family has a role-‘the clever one’, ‘the pretty one’, ‘the selfish one’.” (P.8) Once you chose your role from all hose choices in the early age, you have to stick with it for you entire life. In her family, her eldest brother, Luke, appears to be the “problem one” who doesn’t do week in school. On the other hand, his second eldest brother, Matt, is seen as the “smart one” in the family. Kate believes that Matt inherits her Great-Grandmother’s intelligence that he doesn’t even need to try for getting good grades.

According to what Kate has said, there are roles for each of my family members too! My dad and I are the “calm one” who never get frustrated easily whereas my younger brother and mom are the “bad-temper one” who get angry if things don’t come out as the way they wanted. My brother, Stephen, once asked my dad to buy him a PS2 game. My dad wet to the electronic store and looked for it for the whole day. He ended up buying the wrong game which is similar to what my brother waned. After m brother fund out, he started screaming and threw the CD on the floor. He didn’t appreciate what my dad did for him, instead he ignored my dad for the whole day. In the end, my dad had to go back to the store and brought the correct one on the next day. Luke, Matt, and my brother had different roles in different families, my brother is the ‘bad-temper one” while Luke is the “trouble one” and Matt is the “smart one”. As seen, they all play a unique role in our own family.

I wonder if every member in Kate’s family has the same role, it wouldn’t function properly. If Matt appears to be the “trouble one” like Luke, there will be no hope for the family to get education which they wanted it since their Great Grandmother generation. The family will still stay poor as it is. The might have to stay in Crow Lake, a small community with little educational people, for the rest of their lives. Like and Matt might have to work in the farm to help earn a living. There will be no money for Kate or Bo to go to university. It might also effect their next generation. I think it is really important that every member has a role in the family so they will balance each other out and let the family runs perfectly.

THAnks a lot.

回答 (1)

2009-10-29 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please run Spell Check (SC) through this piece of writing.

Paragraph 3: "I wonder.....properly." I would reword this:
"I wonder if every member of Kate's family had the same role, would the family function properly? Matt and Luke similarly "troubled" would leave no family member in the "role" of "the smart one" who could be educated so that the present generation could escape poverty through
a high-wage earning job. As farmers, no money would be set aside for Kate or Bo to go to university. The family's ability to get an education stops then at the Great-Grandmother's generation and may not even be passed down to future generations either. I think it is important that each member of a family compliment the others' abilities and strengths creating a balance within the family unit that allows the family to run perfectly. "

Further considerations:

I can not find the exact point in your writing, but Luke, the character name is "Like" in your copy. This needs to be changed and would be
picked up as an error with "read aloud" proof-reading. Remember SC only covers dictionary words--proper names are exempt as well.

SC exempt phrases

"from all THOSE choices AT an early age" SC will miss this one "hose" is an acceptable properly spelled word. Also "in the"will
not be caught by SC for similar reasons.

"...stick with it for YOUR entire life,,," Again SC will not catch "you".
Reasons above.

.."...who doesn't do WELL in school.." SC will pass over "week" as an acceptably correctly spelled word in an English language dictionary.

Correction of Repeated Errors

These are just a few examples of the same mistake repeated throughout this piece of writing. This is the reason why a person, other than the author of a paper should proof-read a paper. When no friend or family member can do this task, I find that reading the piece aloud slowly can pick up some of these errors. Whether there are typing errors or grammar errors, and SC on today's computers, ALWAYS proof read a piece of writing at least once "manually" as described above for the reasons I have pointed out in the examples I have pointed out to you.
參考: Can you proof read for yourself now? It takes practice. More practice, better the skill becomes. Excellent skill to develop.

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