are houses good buy in las vegas right now? what other things should I consider living out there?

2009-10-28 1:05 pm
planning to move there while the condition is the worst... things will be better for sure.

回答 (9)

2009-10-28 4:48 pm
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The prices on houses are at their lowest but don't plan on buying a foreclosure or short sale and moving right in. It is taking up to a year to close on those and no one can explain why. I have a friend who is self employed and is trying to do the same thing. He bids on a house and the big money investors come in and outbid him at the last minute. Happened a dozen times. When he finally got one he was told it could take up to a year to close.

If you don't have a job lined up or are retired then don't move here. There just aren't any jobs. For every single job opening there are 100 well qualified applicants applying for it. Plus employers here would rather hire someone who has lived here for awhile and not someone who just moved here. Might want to read this webpage.
2009-10-28 1:10 pm
But water source is a possible problem, you hear about lake meade drying up but maybe its just a short cycle. Also with economy jobs may be more scarce (gambling industry slump) , before the economic downturn you could find a job easily there.
2009-10-28 5:55 pm
You can get incredible deals on homes in good neighborhoods right now. Finding a house isn't an issue, it's finding a job. Thinks will get better eventually; however it could get worse before that happens.

Areas of Henderson and even Summerlin that were once extremely expensive are now obtainable with a decent budget.
2009-10-28 1:15 pm
yes there are some great bargains right now,just make sure you buy with great air conditioning and large pool,the heat is unbelievable in mid summer thats why people spend 90% of their time in the cooling casinos...........
2016-10-15 1:59 pm
It relies upon on how plenty you establish directly to spend a month, how close you establish directly to be to the ammenities, in case you establish on public transit or have your guy or woman vehicle, there are diverse variables as to the "recommendations-blowing section."
2009-10-28 10:20 pm
Houses are a good buy BUT jobs are scarce and those are minimum wage. Do NOT move to Vegas without a guaranteed job with benefits, in writing, or you could find yourself living on the streets.
2009-10-28 10:08 pm
Electricity rates seem to get the a-ok to raise rates quite often!

Check out Boulder city houses. next town out before Hoover Dam.

Just buy an all electric house. Dont get bothered by gas rates going up as well! Then back down then up. Its really stupid utilities out here.
2009-10-28 4:15 pm
yes lots of houses to purchase, however I would rent until realest ate price stabilize.
2009-10-28 3:44 pm
call n ask! or look under real-estate vegas .com

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