澳洲working holiday可以做社福界嗎?

2009-10-29 12:49 am

回答 (3)

2009-10-29 5:50 am
其實大多數人都會錯意,WHV發給你的目的,以旅游渡假為主,工作只是次要 (比個機會你去揾番多少幫補下)。你咪以為澳洲政府真係咁好人,其實想揾D廉價外勞去做吓農場工(在農產的收成時),因為此類工的人手短缺,最需要人力,其次就是一般華人餐館食肆的侍應工作,至於其他的工種,你都無謂去冧。因為第一,一般僱主不會僱用持WHV的人仕做正規工作,其次WHV亦指明不得向同一僱主工作超過三個月(博懞及偷鷄者例外)。

因此你的答案 :WHV holder seeking for social work in Aussie - no way !
2009-10-29 4:53 am

Unlike HK, to work in social or welfare field, you must have social worker license in Australia, only people have their qualification assessed and approved by AASW (Australian Assoication of Scoial Worker) then they can start working in Social and Welfare Sector, either for the goverment or for private sector.

Do remember getting your qualification assess takes time and you can only work 1 year (as oppose to the above answerer, cos you must do seasonal work to extent your working holiday visa for 1 more year) and you can only work with the same employer for 4 months. So it is literally impossible to work in Social and Welfare sector.

However, it is technically possible to work in social and welfare sector, but it is practically impossible and not too many company will hire oversea qualified worker in Australia....

有咩POST係岩我呢? 大概人工又幾多?

Cos you hold WHMV, you are NOT eligible to work for all State and Federal Government (Only apporiate to PR and Citizens.) that leave most charity and self help group.

Most of them are volunteer work that mean you don't earn any money working for them. Some do hire professional social worker to do their work, quit smoking hotline, self help, suicide prevention hotline and drug rehabilitating all hire professional social worker, but most of them again only hire PR or Citizens....

If you can work for them, you are looking at 45,000 AUD per year salary package.
參考: Australian Citizen
2009-10-29 4:31 am
現時本地失業率高, 很多公司或政府部門也不會請外地人士 (如持有working holiday visa) 因為此visa為期2年效力, 一旦visa過了, 一定要公司那邊幫助寫信要求immigration延長你的visa居留權.
我建議你上去澳洲搵工網頁research一下你想做的工, 看看市場是否有很多空缺. 據我所知, social worker比較冷門, 不過也有post offer. 你上去 www.mycareer.com.au, 之後打入social worker, 看看result才決定去唔去澳洲及申請working visa 吧
參考: 澳洲工作的人

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