Can cruise ship company force employees to take flu shots?

2009-10-28 2:39 am
I am going to work on a cruise ship soon. After reading a lot about the new H1N1 vaccine I am not willing to take the flu shot that is going to be thrown at me as soon as it is available. The company says that this coming vaccination is mandatory.

According to company Code of Conduct disciplinary action can be taken under the line that reads "Failure to adhere to the instructions of the Medical Department in relation to the treatment or management of any infectious / contagious illnesses, or submit to vaccination or treatment as required for public health.”

I know in the States one may sign a waiver form from one's family physician. However the ship sails in the open seas. Is there such form in Canada and does that apply to cruise ship sailing out of North American territories?


回答 (3)

2009-11-02 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know the laws regarding this situation. But perhaps you could tell them you are allergic to eggs. People who are allergic to eggs cannot get flu vaccines.
2009-11-02 12:30 pm

No you cannot be forced to have the vaccination, unless you signed a contract stating you would, which it sounds liek you have.

Call Citizens Advise Bureau and they will be able to advise you further.

Hope this helps
參考: Medical Student
2009-10-28 6:40 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:55:06
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