
2009-10-27 6:04 pm
Reflective Learning Journal

Effective Meeting:

You are Philip Chan,the Chief Technician of IVE Company. Your boss,Charles
Tung, want to call for a meeting with other staff.You are required to compose an e-mail with a draft agenda to inform all participants regarding the meeting:

Staff Name (Participants): Discussion Topics:
Charles Tung (Chair) -Progress Reports of Renovation
Donald But Projects in Yaumatei
Edith Fung -Energy Saving Measures
Mickey Hung -Jan-March Incomes &
Philip Cha Expenses Report

Note :Date, Time and Venue are proposed by you.

回答 (1)

2009-10-28 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear All,

Our boss, Mr Charles Tung, would like to have a meeting to discuss on the general issues of the company. In this connection, you are cordially invited to attend a meeting to be held on 11 Nov 2009 at 2:30 p.m. in my office.

The agenda are as follows:

1. To report on the progress of renovation (Charles Tung)
2. To report on the projects in Yaumatei (Donald But)
3. To suggest on energy saving measures (Edith Fung)
4. To report on Jan-Mar income (Mickey Hung)
5. To report on expeditures (Philip Chan)


Philip Chan
for and on behalf of
Charles Tung

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