
2009-10-27 2:56 am
我讀chem phy 同geog
如果我phy eng math都取不到佢既要求成績係唔係一定唔得呢?
請高人指點指點 !!

回答 (3)

2009-10-29 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pilot Does not need to be strong academically, on the other hand, you must be strong physically.....Pulling the stick is not exactly an easy job to go with.


Knew many pilots myself that don't even have University Qualification, and now working for big Airlines such as Qantas and BA. You only require to have high academic standard IF you wanted to get in their cadet program. Otherwise you can get those qualifications yourselve.

如果我phy eng math都取不到佢既要求成績係唔係一定唔得呢?

No, as long as you pass, there are no reason why they don't take you on.

同埋係唔係要有入既大學資格先ok ? No.

我很害怕我的能力啊 ~


如果係文憑試有5科合格咁得唔得 ? I dunno......

To wilson:

DIfferent "kind" of pilot has a different set of requirement

Different kind implies more than 1 kind of pilot (Or where is the different?) so it should be "they" and thus you should use Have instead of Has.

The a is not necessary as you are not talking about 1 different set of requirement, you are on them all.

it depends on what kind of pilot u r talking about!!!!!

As you said it already what kind of pilot"s" (again, more than 1 choice) are you talking about. You use you are mean you know which one the asker is talking about, which directly contradict your sentences.

And, Singapore can also mean Singaporean in subtext, Just like HK can use to replace HK Chinese in HK Adult, if you don't know this, this is your problem, not mine. Although technically, what it means should be Chinese Adults, but meh..

2009-10-31 06:28:59 補充:
--WRONG. Depeding on what kind of pilot(s) u r talking about.

Again What Kind of PILOTS, if you are asking what kind, mean there are MORE THAN ONE.

2009-10-31 07:27:07 補充:
***** If you 讀書唔勁, how (WHAT) meet the entry requirement?

How DO YOU MEET the entry requirment(S) (More than one RequirmentS)

2009-10-31 07:32:08 補充:
At least (Missing Subject- To whom you are talking about?) being able to understand English (Then what?? - Missing Clause). NEVER follow examples like "Singapore Adult does not allow dual citizenship".

2009-10-31 07:32:14 補充:
At least FOR YOU being able to understand Simple English IS IMPORTANT. NEVER follow examples like "Singapore Adult does not allow dual citizenship".

2009-10-31 07:33:29 補充:
As you (NO need to use past perfect) said (WHAT?, You say a lot of thing) already what kind of pilot"s" (again, more than 1 choice) are you talking about. You use you are mean you know which one the asker is talking about, which directly contradict your sentences.

2009-10-31 07:36:11 補充:
So AS YOU SAID IT ALREADY is correct as First, there are no second action to refer. Secondly, unless you are never gonna said it again, (which you would not) you will not use Past Perfect Tense

2009-10-31 07:36:40 補充:
Correction : Unless you are never gonna SAY it again....

2009-10-31 07:37:56 補充:
(WHO) Remember the F2/Grade 8 Grammar - Noun Phrase~ haaaa....

Do you remember the F2/G8 Grammar - Noun Phase~ haaaa....

2009-10-31 07:39:21 補充:
China Adult??? haaaa..... Singapre Adult doesn't allow dual citizenship~ hoolala~~~~

China adult is incorrect, and i never said China Adult i said CHINESE ADULT. Second thing is my bad, i forgot to put HK before the Chinese Adult, it should be CHinese Adult

2009-10-31 07:41:09 補充:
Geez, someone use Grammatically Incorrect Sentense to claim i am grammatically incorrect. While i ignore the fact that what his so-called "Correction" is based on (he never mention why he use what he use and why he think i am wrong). His grammatically error's appauling.

2009-10-31 07:42:39 補充:
To continue agrue to this child (I guess he may only have Grade 8 level as he or she suggested) is totally wasting my time. I've got better things to do rather than to stay here correct your "CORRECTION". This is my last update regarding this matter
2009-10-28 4:09 am
(1) What "kind" of Pilot are you talking about? PPL? CPL or ATPL??? DIfferent "kind" of pilot has a different set of requirement.

(2) 我很害怕我的能力啊 ~
what can you do to deal with your 害怕?

2009-10-28 19:15:54 補充:
如果係文憑試有5科合格咁得唔得 ?
**** it depends on what kind of pilot u r talking about!!!!!

2009-10-29 20:10:45 補充:
Pilot Does not need to be strong academically,
**** WRONG. it depends on what "kind" of pilot u r talking about!

2009-10-29 20:10:48 補充:
Knew many pilots myself that don't even have University Qualification
**** Again, this depends on what kind of pilot and pilot of "where" u r talking arbout. Remember, you are only a Leisure Pilot.

2009-10-29 20:11:28 補充:
No, as long as you pass, there (IS) no reason why they don't take you on.
**** WRONG. There are OTHER aspects in pilot selection.

2009-10-29 20:12:02 補充:
同埋係唔係要有入既大學資格先ok ?
**** WRONG. Depeding on what kind of pilot u r talking about.

2009-10-29 20:13:28 補充:
我很害怕我的能力啊 ~
***** If you 讀書唔勁, how to meet the entry requirement? At least being able to understand English. NEVER follow examples like "Singapore Adult does not allow dual citizenship".

2009-10-29 20:16:04 補充:
The a is not necessary as you are not talking about 1 different set of requirement, you are on them all.
**** if i was wrong, then u r NOT correct neither. "sets".
"Singapore Adult does not allow dual citizenship". hoolala

2009-10-29 20:17:48 補充:
As you (have) said ( ) already what kind of pilot"s" (again, more than 1 choice) are you talking about. You use you are mean you know which one the asker is talking about, which directly contradict your sentences.

Remember the F2/Grade 8 Grammar - Noun Phrase~ haaaa....

2009-10-29 20:19:08 補充:
And, Singapore can also mean Singaporean in subtext, Just like HK can use to replace HK Chinese in HK Adult, if you don't know this, this is your problem, not mine. Although technically, what it means should be Chinese Adults, but meh..

2009-10-29 20:19:11 補充:
China Adult??? haaaa..... Singapre Adult doesn't allow dual citizenship~ hoolala~~~~

2009-10-31 10:49:17 補充:
Singapre Adult doesn't allow dual citizenship~ hoolala~~~~

2009-10-31 17:16:46 補充:
I've got better things to do rather than to stay here correct your "CORRECTION". This is my last update regarding this matter

***** Yeah! to improve your grammar~ Singapre Adult doesn't allow dual citizenship~ hoolala~~~~

2009-11-01 20:16:43 補充:
**** Wrong. How come there are "gwei lo" pilots who don't speak 普通話 at all??? and pls read the entry requirements about 大學畢業.
2009-10-28 1:48 am

2009-10-27 17:48:49 補充:

2009-10-28 16:54:25 補充:
參考: MY

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