
2009-10-26 11:58 am
由于本人之病假為19/10/2009至 12/11/2009,但以本人之復原情況,在2/11/2009便可返回工作崗位,因此本人自願澈消2/11/2009至12/11/2009之病假,在該段期間內,若任何因素而對本人身體或健康有任何影響,責任全歸本人,與貴公司無關.希望得以允許,令所屬崗位的工作得以盡快完成.

回答 (1)

2009-10-26 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I was granted a sick leave from 19/10/2009 to 12/11/2009. Fortunately, I have been recovering faster than expected. In view of this, I am confident that I shall be able to return to my post on 2/11/2009 and have my remaining sick leave canceled.

I am willing to take full responsibilities for my own health condition in the unlikely case that it might turn worse as a result of my above decision.

Looking forward to hearing your favorable reply!


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