請英文高手翻譯, 急急!! (請不要網上翻譯, 謝謝!!)

2009-10-26 8:03 am
(請不要網上翻譯, 謝謝!!)

A. 現有培訓及員工發展項目:

* 12個課堂培訓, 包括新人班, 銷售與服務技巧, 管理技巧及語言技巧。

* 籌備每兩個月的區域會議

* 籌備各階層之Team Building

*Update員工之培訓記錄, 包括投訴、讚賞及課堂表現記錄

B. 協助其他地區之培訓項目

現不定期協助香港以外地區作實地店舖觀察, 以及提供各方面之培訓, 包括服務與銷售技巧培訓, 以及店舖管理技巧培訓。

就因應各地文化之差異及員工之程度, 培訓部必須調節課程內容或從新編制課程以達至培訓目標。

C. 培訓部之配合

* 超過90%之培訓課程均由培訓經理自己教授, 培訓助手只於培訓過程中提供協助; 而每個課程均會每月或定期舉行培訓班, 持續進行, 以確保每位同事能持續地運用相關技巧。

* 所有培訓發展工作, 包括新課程發展、神秘顧客分析、Field Coaching、以至團隊建立活動都現由培訓經理負責。

* 海外之培訓, 由設計到推行均由培訓經理負責。

D. 持續發展培訓項目

培訓部在兩年間發展了多個課程並建立了整體店舖之服務標準, 從而慢慢建立了明確之服務文化。
但隨著市場的變化和競爭, 顧客要求的提高, 相信作為一間市場領導之連鎖店必須與時並進, 給予同事續進修之機會, 同事才能提供最優質之顧客服務。

有見及此, 除了現有之課程外, 培訓部將會計劃加強多個有關店舖服務及管理之課程, 加強部份如下:

* 銷售對話技巧
* 服務心態
* 應付困難客人
* 店舖管理法

除培訓課程外, 運用不同的團隊活動亦相當重要, 希望透過活動能加強同事間的凝聚力及互信。

* 服務之星比賽
* 組織義工活動

E. 持續發展之困難

特許經營: 本身為投資者, 多為公司資深同事, 對一般培訓有一定之抗拒性, 所以培訓部需花更多時間去設計課程; 希望能提供新知識之外, 亦同時能令同事根據公司之標準去執行服務。必要時甚至需要提供心態課程作心理調較。

執業師: 本身為專業人士, 對專業知識以外之培訓課程亦不太感興趣, 希望能加強同事們明白標準化之重要性。所以需要花更多時間去調節各人心態。

*就以上兩點, 培訓部有需要運用更多時間去作個別調節及Field Coaching

回答 (1)

2009-10-28 5:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. Current Training and Staff Development Items
*12-lesson training program to cover new comers class, sales and service technique, management technique and speaking technique;
*To arrange for the bi-monthly regional meeting;
*To organize team-building activities at all levels; and
*To update staff’s training records including complaints, appreciations and performance at class.

B. Training for the Assistance to Other Region
Without a fixed schedule, arrange for the region outside Hong Kong of field investigation to shops, and also provide full spectrum of training including service and sales technique and shop management technique.
In view of culture differences and the different level of proficiency of the staff, the Training Department must adjust or redesign the programs in order to achieve the training target.

C. Co-ordination from Training Department
Distribution of duties:
*Over 90% of the training programs are delivered by the Training Manager personally. Training Assistants merely provide assistance during trainings in progress. Each program will be held continuously, monthly or on a regular schedule, in order to ensure staff able to apply those techniques persistently.
*All training development tasks including new program development, secret-customer analysis, field coaching and even team-building activities are currently responsible by the Training Manager.
*The Training Manager is responsible for all overseas training, from design to implementation.

2009-10-28 09:18:14 補充:
D. Continuing Training Development
Over these 2 years, Training Department has developed a lot of programs and established a set of service standard for shops as a whole, which is evolving into a definite set of service culture.

2009-10-28 09:19:16 補充:
To cope with the market changes, competition and the increasing demands from customers, as a chain-store leader, we should provide training opportunities to our staff to enable them to offer quality service to our customers.

2009-10-28 09:19:36 補充:
To this end, on top of the existing programs, the Training Department is planning to strengthen programs relating to shop service and management. Areas to be strengthened are as follows:
*Conversation technique for sales people

2009-10-28 09:19:51 補充:
*Service mindset
*Dealing with problem customers
*Shop management
In addition to training, we regard different team-building activities is important, through which we hope to enhance cohesion and trust among the staff.
*Star of Service competition
*Organizing volunteer activities

2009-10-28 09:21:04 補充:
E. Problems of Continuing Development
Franchisees: As investors and most of them being senior staff members of the Company, in a certain extent, they resist to the general training.

2009-10-28 09:21:25 補充:
Accordingly, the Training Department should spend more time to design programs to enable staff to acquire new knowledge and also implement the Company standard in provision of service. If necessary, the Training Department shall even adjust their mindset by providing tailored programs.

2009-10-28 09:21:39 補充:
Professionals: As professionals, they feel less interest in the trainings outside their scope of expertise. To make them understand the importance of standardization, we have to spend more to change their mindset.

2009-10-28 09:22:03 補充:
*For the 2 points abovementioned, the Training Department should spend more time to carrying out those adjustments and field coaching.

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