Random pains in my knees. help?

2009-10-26 12:32 am
I have never really had anything severly go wrong with my knees before, but i keep getting these random pains in my knees (on the inside) with different movements. i have no idea why, but i have had to wear braces during soccer in the past, and i play for an elite team, and cant really afford an injury now. help??

回答 (6)

2009-10-26 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I had the same problem and when I went to see a doctor he told me I was having growing pains. It's called an Osgood-Schlatter Disease, and it might continue until you stop growing. (The female body doesn't stop growing until around the age of 18.) For some reason I only got them behind my knees too.

Check the link in my sources. It should tell you more about it.
2016-09-22 2:40 pm
Have you by no means been to a healthcare professional approximately your situation? Ever? It does not sound love it. You will have to see a respectable. If he is helping you, then you're going to be brooding about what you have got been doing your whole lifestyles by means of now not having the situation looked after.
2009-10-26 2:16 am
You are over training.

An athlete in an over trained state cannot heal the micro damage one does to their legs during normal athletic training or competition.

They simply take on more and more physical workload and ignore the nutritional and deep sleep sessions one needs to recover properly from an athletic lifestyle.

The more you over train a body part, the WEAKER this body part becomes, in your case it is your legs.

Weak legs are more susceptible to, in this case, minute knee dislocations caused by body mass change of direction stress on the legs which soccer is known for.

Hence the sore knees.
2009-10-26 1:18 am
Girls have thinner cartilage under their knee caps than men do,it could be that you have torn some of it,what I would do is ice your knees down and then if you notice any swelling at all,get to the Dr.and get a referral to a orthopedic surgeon.I have had a total of 6 knee surgeries on both of my knees,I even had to have a cadaver bone inserted in to my leg.I wrecked both knees due to heavy exercise.Hope this is of some help to you.
2009-10-26 12:55 am
You may have Osgood-Schlatter Disease, an overuse syndrome. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) may help you speed recovery. Portable units are available online for as little as $40.
2009-10-26 12:47 am
it could be alot of things but i have damaged cartilage in both my knees, i play football and it slightly effects what a do but i can ignore it. it MIGHT be that, common things are like pain while squatting or going up or down stairs, jumping exc...and thats right under my knee cap. you might need a brace for that but thats all. also it could be tendinitis which would be pain on the tendon right under your knee. i had that last year too and a simple tendinitis strap right under your kneecap should fix that fine. otherwise...see your doctor? possible physical therapy or it could be completely fine. i hope i helped, knee problems are awful. Im an 18 year old guy by the way, age/gender and all that stuff are always a factor.

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