Could I opt for a diaper instead of a catheter during anesthesia / surgery? I am terrified of catheters!?

2009-10-25 3:49 pm
Hi There. I'm having surgery in a couple weeks on my foot. The procedure is expected to last approx. 5 hours. I am sure for a procedure that long they will want to use a catheter. I am terrified of catheters! Worse than needles and anesthesia masks! Is it possible to ask for an adult diaper for the procedure instead of the catheter? Thanks for your responses!

回答 (4)

2009-10-27 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you go more than one hour for a surgery, more than likely the would want to put a cath in you. If you opt to use a diaper instead then they should diaper you for the procedure. My ex had a surgery and they put a cath in him han he complained about it and the hospital said they could have diapered him if he wanted to wear diapers instead of having the cath put in. So yes, ask to be diapered for the surgery.
2009-10-25 4:02 pm
If you are getting general anesthesia (getting "put to sleep"), I'm sure the facility that does your surgery will be talking to you beforehand to find out your medical history and to do some tests. You need to discuss your catheter fears with the staff! I am sure they will do everything they can to make your experience as positive as possible!

I've only had one surgery where I had to get a urinary catheter. They waited until I was asleep to put it in. When I woke up, I still had it because my surgery was on my abdomen. It didn't hurt one bit. When they took it out, it was an odd sensation but it didn't hurt.

Since your surgery is on your foot, they may be able to take it out before you even wake up! Please tell them about your concerns. They really do try to ease people's fears!

參考: work in a hospital but not an OR so I don't know their rules!
2016-05-22 10:36 am
It's incredibly easy to fall asleep. You won't be able NOT to fall asleep. Just try it. :) (I've anesthetized tens of thousands of people and have NEVER asked anyone to count backward. It's so cliche.) Time just stops. It starts again in recovery room. Catheters, when needed, are almost always put in after you go to sleep. When you wake up, you might feel like you need to pee, but your bladder will be empty. The catheter can irritate the urethra and make you feel like you need to go.
2009-10-26 1:37 am
i've had 9 surgeries (8 under general anesthesia and 1 under IV sedation) several of those surgeries were about 4-5 hours long and i have not once had a catheter.

you may want to talk to the surgeon to see if you are even going to have a catheter.

if you do have a catheter they will put it in after you are asleep and more than likely take it out before you wake up so there is nothing to be scared of.

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