甚麼是舉証責任??(burdren of proof) 緊急

2009-10-25 9:46 pm
XYZ Ltd. manufactures and sells computer. It is discovered that there is a defective component in the computer which may cause explosion. To what extent may XYZ Ltd. be liable under the tort of negligence to buyers who are injured as a result of the possible explosion?
而我想知舉証責任是不是,XYZ Ltd.證明computer會有危險,而XYZ Ltd.又沒做任何行動導致buyers are injured,XYZ Ltd.是否就巳經breach of burden of proof????

回答 (1)

2009-10-26 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

咁咩人有舉證責任?呢句拉丁文總結法律上大體的規定 (雖然有例外):semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit,即"the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.",即誰是原告,誰作指控,就要作證明

因此,刑事案中,極大部分情況是政府有舉證責任,因為全港刑事案皆由政府作控方(prosecution)。民事案則是原告 (plaintiff)有舉證責任。呢個情況即購買 XYZ產品的買家有舉證責任

咁要證明到咩標準?係民事案 (e.g. negligence) ,原告需證明他的指控的真確性比起指控失實更有可能 (balance of probabilities)。講白d,如果原告告XYZ,證據51%肯定 XYZ疏忽,原告已勝訴

係刑事案,標準則係 beyond reasonable doubt (排除一切合理疑點),換言之差唔多要100%肯定被告有罪

你 concept 錯晒啦! Burden of proof 唔等於 breach of duty

Negligence 有4個 element:
1. Duty of care
2. Breach of duty
3. Causation
4. Remoteness
購買 XYZ產品的買家對4個 element都有舉證責任

要在法律上證明任何野涉 burden of proof,並唔係只存在於 negligence

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