
2009-10-25 12:56 pm
1.請問在駕駛考試時有人在前踩單車應點做?過唔過佢? 如果可過佢,咁點至可以令個examiner唔會tick我接近物體?



回答 (3)

2009-10-25 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I was traffic policeman in Hong Kong. (Even in US, these are the same)

1. you need to treat cyclist as any driver. Do not over take him. Once you follow him for a good distance, the examiner knows you understand the rules. Good, wait till there is good chance that you can overtake him, you need to look around front and back, left and right. When it is safe, you can overtake him with care and he will not tick you.

2. No, you never press the horn. (It is an offense to horn unless it is for safety reason) You still need to wait. If you make this mistake, you need to go back for another test.

Good luck.
2009-11-08 1:38 pm
不管你是在那一个国家,驾车最重要是 - 安全。 你有在当场判断来做决定。
2009-10-27 7:31 am
1:在距離三個車位左右打右燈,然後望下右邊後方有無車,再睇下有無對頭車,跟著比油爬佢頭,爬頭後 2 個車位打左燈,然後睇鏡跟手回到慢線。


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