F4 Bio 關於光學顯微鏡問題...

2009-10-25 6:40 am
1. 聽人講用high power magnification 睇野個陣唔好用 coarse adjustment knob, 因為會易整爛塊slide, 但係我o既問題係, 當個high power o既 objective較到接近掂到塊slide o既時候, 就等於捉到個focus?

2. 如果唔係捉到個focus, 咁點解我地唔可較個coarse adjustment knob ( upward )o既? 只要我地將個objective較向上咪唔會整爛塊slide囉?

回答 (1)

2009-10-25 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
my answer is based on the model answer of my school :)
1. Actually, to catch the focus. The whole process is :First of all, we need to turn on the light soure and adjust the condenser and diaphragm until the lgiht is sufficient. Select the low power maginification. Clip the microslide on the stage and move the specimen to the centre. Watch the stage at eye level. Upper the stage until the objective nearly touches the cover slip. ++++++++++Slowly raise the body tube by using the coarse adjustment konb for focusing. ++++++++ Focus with the the find adjustment knob.

the part with +++++++++ is the main point of the answer.

2. There are 2 reasons in which we cannot use coarse adjustment knob for observing under high magnification.
-When we are using high power objective, the distance between the objective and slide is very small,- while the degree of movement of the stage moved by the coarse adjestment knob. Thus, the coarse adjustment knob will easily damage the objective and the slide.

- are the points state.

Hope I can help you :)

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