about tenses...10points

2009-10-24 11:19 pm
1.Normally, if a sentence have a word "before", which action do first? [eg.Someone had already dialed for an ambulance before I arrived at the scene./ The lift door closed before I had got into it.]

2.同上。how about "until"

3.据我所知,凡是有"already","since","just"...嘅呢D字都會用 Present perfect.
How about Past perfect?? 如果句子中有上面果D字,用得嗎?

4.我遲D要quiz "past simple","past continues","past perfect"&"present simple"呀!
有D咩方法可以分到佢地亞?佢地之間有D咩5同?? 點樣知道幾時用邊個tenses???


回答 (2)

2009-10-25 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Normally, if a sentence have a word "before", which action do first?
[eg.Someone had already dialed for an ambulance before I arrived at the scene.
答 : 在你到之前已有其他人叫咗十字車, 好明顯叫十字車早過你到。

/ The lift door closed before I had got into it.]
答 : 升降機門在我入去前已關上, 即係門關上先啦。

2.同上。how about "until"
答 : until解"直至", 這個字唔同"before", 佢係講"之前"。

3.据我所知,凡是有"already","since","just"...嘅呢D字都會用 Present perfect.
How about Past perfect?? 如果句子中有上面果D字,用得嗎?
答 : "already" e.g. I had already finished Form 5. 我已經完成中五。 講時係10年之後講 - 我在十年前完成中五。
"since"都可以同上面差不多形式, 但"just"這個因解"剛剛", 我想可能唔得, 但唔肯定。

4.我遲D要quiz "past simple","past continues","past perfect"&"present simple"呀!
有D咩方法可以分到佢地亞?佢地之間有D咩5同?? 點樣知道幾時用邊個tenses???
答 : 看多啲例句或在英文書中找其他用這個tense的句字來看, 會有幫助。
2009-10-25 1:47 am



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