
2009-10-23 9:18 pm

回答 (3)

2009-10-23 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案


勉強冇幸福 !

你接受左佢咪重令自己難受 !

凡事都吾可以盡如人意 , 加上自己感受都好重要 !

你可能會覺得拒絕別人會傷害到人個心 ,

但系咪接受佢就一定系好事呢 ?

凡事都應該後果 ,接受佢可能傷害更大 !
2009-10-23 9:31 pm
2009-10-23 9:30 pm
what did you refuse 拒絕?

Ask yourself why you did that 拒絕. If you have a good reason to reject, you do not need to feel bad.

Let me give you a few example :

1. If your bf ask you to have sex before marriage and you said NO. Good for you. Think about if you get pregnant, who will suffer? He was happy but you will not. So, saying NO is your right.

2. If your friend ask you to borrow money and you said NO. Unless you are sure he/she will pay you back, I will say NO. Trust me, many people lent money to others and never get pay back. I was one of those, had so-called friend borrow money and never pay back.

3. If your friend ask you to go out to movie and you said NO because you have examin coming up. You should not feel bad. If you fail, who cares?

Girl, believe me. Learn to say NO more will make you hard to get. You will have more bf than any others.

2009-10-23 13:32:20 補充:
Remember, if you do not take care of yourself, who will take care of you. Take care of yourself before take care of others. Do not drown yourself if you do not know how to swim.

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