修正 句子

2009-10-23 6:11 pm
Do you like the colour of this coat ?

Do you know the phone number of Bill ?

The job of my brother is very interesting .

想問一問這裡的句子有冇錯誤 ?


回答 (2)

2009-10-23 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Do you like the colour of this coat ? (不用更改)

2) Do you know the phone number of Bill ?
=> Do you know Bill's phone number?

3) The job of my brother is very interesting .
=> My brother's job is very interesting.

1) 當擁有者唔係 人或者動物 (就正如第一句的coat), 我地就要用"of" 去表達 A 擁有B. 這用法係源自法文的表達方式. 請參考我提供的網址: c. Phrases beginning with Of

尤其是當「被擁有的東西」係抽象名詞 (abstract quality) e.g. color,
e.g. the size of the portrait
the color of the carpet
the beginning of the story
- 在英文用法中, 有D死物係看作似是「有生命的」 e.g. ships, countries, corporations, and the earth.
e.g. the ship's bell
Italy's exports
the city's parks
the earth's surface
- 當擁有者係時間的單位 (units of time)
e.g. a day's work
a week's delay
today's high|ight 今日精選 (電視新聞就可以見到這用法)
- 在特別的成語用法 中才可以在死物的擁有者後面用's
e.g. a stone's throw away
your money's worth
- a friend of mine 我其中一位朋友
2) & 3) 就好明顯, 擁有者係生物 (即是人或者動物都得), 所以要用 's 去表達A 擁有B.
參考資料: www.fortunecity.com/bally/durrus/153/gramch17.html

2009-10-23 7:26 pm
文法上完全無問題. very neat

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