✔ 最佳答案
We use fitness room as our purpose to report theme to understand the materials about fitness room wait in the fitness room, thus understand the function on our students of fitness room further. 首先我們會了解健身室的使用率,例如當中使用健身室的人數, 使用器材的數目,器材的使用率, 健身室當中的男女比例等等...更多的資料。 We at first will understand the rate of utilization of the fitness room, for example use the number of people of the fitness room in the middle, use the figure of the apparatus, the rate of utilization of the apparatus, the proportions of men and women in the fitness room,etc. ...More materials. 透過這些詳細的資料,我們可以從中了解到健身室在學校的受歡迎程度。 Through these detailed materials, we can know the pouplarity in the school of fitness room from it. 針對以上的調查,我們能夠提出建議,從而改善健身室的質素。
Direct against the investigation of the above, we can propose the suggestion, thus improve the quality of the fitness room.
我們的對象是abc院校全校的學生。 Our marriage partner is the students of abc whole schools of universities and colleges. 因為我們的目標是想了解健身室對於學生的作用,而全校的學生都能夠使用健身室,所以我們的訪問對象是abc院校的學生。 Because our goal is to want to understand the function on students of fitness room, and students in the whole school can all use the fitness room, so our visit target is the students of abc universities and colleges.