About young drivers in Canada?

2009-10-22 12:39 am
How can we train young drivers better so there are less accident?Give three suggestions and example.

回答 (2)

2009-10-22 2:05 pm
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You're assuming that young drivers are necessarily bad ones. That isn't always the case.
Young drivers are inexperienced but that doesn't mean they are more accident prone. Granted, there are young drivers who drive poorly but they would drive poorly whether they earn their driver's license at 16 or 60. Your question is a good one but I think the focus should be on new drivers and not necessarily young ones. It's experience that makes a difference, not necessarily age.

There are a number of newly licensed drivers who make up for their relative inexperience by driving VERY very carefully, by not driving after they have had an alcoholic drink or even if they are tired.

Yet, you ask a good question overall.

1. We need to stop reinforcing the notion that driving fast or driving
erratically is cool.
2. We need to enforce the current rules of the road instead of making up new ones. For instance, Ontario passed a law banning drivers from using cellphones while driving but unless there is a way of properly enforcing that law then it's meaningless. The same can be said for such common practices like speeding or failing to stop at stop signs...et cetera...
3. We need to reward new drivers (and new drivers aren't necessarily young ones) who have had a year of accident or incident free driving with things like having their work or school parking fees paid for by insurance companies (or something along those lines).
2009-10-22 5:59 am
You cant, no one can train someone to not drink and drive, we could pass laws against cell phone use, speeding laws dont deter them or any other laws, maybe its time to raise the age to 21?

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 00:01:37
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