
2009-10-22 6:25 am

回答 (3)

2009-10-22 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
勢如破竹 = Easily crush enemy resistance, to carry all before it,
草擬的措施 = Draw up a measures
豪宅市道 = The luxury property market
慳電膽 = Energy-saving light bulbs, Compact Fluorescent lamp
公立醫院 = Public hospitals
樓宇按揭 = Mortgage Loan
超時補水 = Overtime pay
僱傭條例 = Employment Ordinance
施政報告 = Policy Address
鎢絲燈膽 = Tungsten lamp
酬金津貼 = Remuneration allowance, Emolument allowance
校園驗毒 = School drug testing
試行計劃 = Trial scheme
私隱專員 = The Privacy Commissioner
監管計劃 = Supervision Programmes
電壓驟降 = The voltage dropped abruptly, The voltage is lowered suddenly
緊急煞停 = Stop urgently
環球貿易廣場 = International Commerce Centre (ICC)
石崗菜園 = Choi Yuen village, Shek Kong
廣深港高速鐵路= The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL)
參考: my knowledge
2015-10-09 3:13 am
2009-10-23 3:20 am
With irresistible force, drafts the measure, the mansion market, miserly the electricity gallbladder, the Public hospital, the building mortgage, the overtime makes up the water, the employment rule, reports on government administration, the tungsten lamp gallbladder, the remuneration for services rendered allowance, the campus examines the poison, the implementation plan, personal secrets special commissioner, the supervision plan, the voltage plummets, mysteriously stops urgently, round the world trade square, stone hillock vegetable garden, broad Shenzhen and Hong Kong high-speed railroad
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:13:22
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