
2009-10-21 11:00 pm
有以下問題, 希望各位大大幫忙

1. 我想在Expedia上訂機票, 但不知道流程是怎樣. 如用信用卡在網上付錢後, 是馬上有電子機票在發到我郵箱, 還是要等一段時間, 比如像priceline等三天內才發電子機票到我郵箱?

2. 請問有那幾個網站可以在網上直接訂機票, 直接在網上付款,可以給個名單我嗎?


回答 (3)

2009-10-25 3:21 am
我用過Expedia上訂機票,當你完成交易,你信用卡過到數, 立刻馬上有電子機票在發到你email. email 會有你個 trip information, 萬一有問題立刻 call hot-line, 最好早上or中午book, 有事或唔明 call 佢地問下

Travelocity: travelocity.com
Hotwire: hotwire.com
Travelworm: travelworm.com

記得check last minute package, 可能再平少少

我覺得Travelocity平過Expedia... but my friend said Hotwire 平過Travelocity

Hotwire比較新, 我多數用Travelocity,其次Expedia
2009-10-23 2:00 pm
once you click pay. the statement and confirmation number will come up next.
that page is part of your E- TICKET. make a copy of it.
then in couple minutes, you will have an E- mail confirmation too.
when you arrived the air port. you have to use the SAME CRIDET CARD and the confirmation number to redeem the broading pass. that is acturly no ' ticket ' as you think.
the confirmation number is the main key.

i used buy from yahoo. travelocity, now i use orbite..... but that's not much difference in airline price.......
2009-10-22 8:57 am
1. Your ticket is issued instantly as soon as the payment is cleared.

2. Here are some examples (excluding what you have mentioned):

a. The website of the airline you are flying with.
b. Travelocity
c. Orbitz
d. American Express (if you are a card holder)

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