
2009-10-21 3:53 pm
Does anyone know how I can use reserve my tickets to ride the 東海道新幹線のぞみ from 東京站 to 新大阪? On the JR East website, it says "Reservations cannot be made for the Tokaido & Sanyo Shinkansen, or for the Kyushu Shinkansen"....If can not be done online, then do I have to go to the Tokyo Station's Travel Service Center or its JR Ticket Office to reserve tickets a few days in advance?

回答 (3)

2009-10-21 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One can reserve your ticket through internet but need to be a registered member of the following site http://jreast.eki-net.com/guidance/shiteiseki/reserve/train.html . One can reserve through computer or telephone once registered.

The trains can be reserved are listed in http://eki-net.okweb3.jp/EokpControl?&tid=13731&event=FE0006 , among them,


のぞみ is included.
But to be a registered member , one should better know Japanese or the way to register as a member in Japanese website. The procedure is similar to those in registration in accommodation reservation site (so can refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!7yXjtQuaHx5gYtZz9nNZCTPqzg--/article?mid=3354 as reference). The JR East guide's shown on http://jreast.eki-net.com/beginner/index.html , Firstly get the「My JR-EAST ID」after registration on the My JR-East site http://my.jreast.co.jp/ (detailed in http://my.jreast.co.jp/pdf/Registration_of_MyJR-EAST.pdf ) , then a e-mail magazine (メールマガジン) will be sent, use the magazine and My JR-East ID to login and register your credit card information in the ticket reservation site「えきねっと」https://member.eki-net.com/PC/Personal/User/Top/MemberMenu.aspx . You can reserve the ticket upon completion of both registrations.

2009-10-21 17:44:17 補充:
Since there're trains and buses travelling between Tokyo and Osaka everyday and Shinkanshen's also quite frequent, there'd not be any problem in reservation if you reserve for 3-4 days in advance upon arrival.
2009-11-01 6:45 pm
Yan Kok is right
2009-10-21 6:28 pm
0_0!! wow that looks hard to do...especially since I don't know how to read Japanese much...anyhow if i don't reserve the tickets online, can I just go to the Tokyo Station Travel Service Center or the JR Ticket Office to reserve tickets 3-4 days before I take the train to Osaka?

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