Who do you think will win the World Series?

2009-10-20 11:25 pm
With the Yankee's and Phillie's looking to be in control in the ALCS and NLCS, who do you think will win if those 2 teams face each other?

回答 (10)

2009-10-21 6:45 am
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Both teams are reallly good but im a newyorker and obviously a yankee fan. but im not saying phillies will be dominated and get destroyed they have a solid team and are defending champs. I just think that yankees with a-rod or cc not choking and with there line-up its going to be hard to beat them. Overall I say a good matchup because I think dodgers would lose easily with and the angel will lose easily with phillies or dodgers. Anyway I say yankees over phillies in 7.
2009-10-20 11:29 pm
First off...Sorry, I'm a grammar whore.. there are no apostrophes in the team's names.

And I am pulling for the Phillies! I think the Yankees have been banking off of their opponents mistakes, and I don't think the Phillies will be giving the Yankees those opportunities.
2009-10-20 11:32 pm
The Pittsburgh Penguins.
2009-10-20 11:37 pm
That is an interesting matchup, and I'd have to say the Yankees in 6 or 7 games.

I think that the television ratings will drop off the page, though. A Yankees-Phillies series would be an East Coast regional matchup--not bad, but not as much interest in the rest of the USA--plus, I get so tired of hearing Tim McCarver endlessly droning on and on and on and
2009-10-20 11:34 pm
the Yankees will have the better shot with dangerous post season a-rod hitting with 3 hrs this post season and 8rbis 2 huge late game tying home runs in 9th and on. the Phillie's have howard who has a record on most rbis in the post season he is playing well too. but with the Yankees pitching ace sabathia, and burnett and pedditte all hudge in the post season along with the dangerous line up with more than 7 guys hitting with 20+ hrs texeria a huge improvement at first base and they got a soldi line up edge is the yankees but they also have a manager who does not know how to manage late in games as seen last night in extra innings making bad moves costing them the game.
2009-10-20 11:31 pm
2009-10-20 11:28 pm
It will be close but I have to go with the Yankees. Every single person in their line up can hurt you and their defense is incredible.
2009-10-21 12:37 am
2009-10-20 11:37 pm
yankees easily. They just look too comfortable paying anyone. I am that confident thay will win it, I will eat my hat if they don't, and it's pretty big.
2009-10-20 11:36 pm
Who ever wins the first game, let them win the next three so:

The winners can brag on how much bigger their bank accounts are.
The losers can complain that being underpaid is the reason they lost.
The fans can go back to working two or three jobs so they can afford the baseball game ticket prices for the following year.

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