Physics, just a question, easy
Suggest a reason to explain why a dry roof is heated up faster than a wet roof in daytime.
English please.
回答 (3)
因為當你將一樣野加熱..你直接HEAT佢.永遠都係比隔住層野係快.你要知道一件濕左既物題佢係比一層水包圍住.如果你要將佢加熱.水會吸收左部份既熱量.自然個樣野會較難升溫.你需要較長既時間去將個樣野升溫.水含有一個頗高既比熱容量(SHC=Specific Heat Capacity)係4200.
順帶一提.當一種物質含有愈高既SHC代表個種物質需要較多既ENERGY先可以令佢提升1 DEGREE.相反.佢需要釋放出較多既ENERGY先可以降低1 DEGREE
參考: 自己
The answer is obvious. A wet roof has water on it. Heating a wet roof vapourize the water, which requires latent heat. This absorbs much of the heat and thus casues a lower rise in temperature of the roof.
收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:31:12
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