
2009-10-20 1:30 am
一、以問題解決為線索的課程統整模式(Problem-Solving Approach)
  推行方案教學最需要的是時間,教師和幼兒需要有充足的時間去尋找、識別有趣的問題或話題,以便展開長時間的專題研究。但是,香港幼稚園普遍實施半日制(bisessional class),幼兒每天只上半天學,實際只有3個小時,扣除早會、茶點、排隊、洗漱、唱遊、小組活動、功課及轉換等環節之後,每日實際上只有半個小時可以開展主題探索活動。在30分鐘時間裏,幼兒的興趣可能還未產生,探索活動可能還未展開,就不得不結束活動了。因此,香港教育局每年在其視學報告中都指出,香港幼稚園普遍存在“課程超載”(沒有足夠時間和空間完成規定的內容)“進度超快”(教學內容和進度未能配合兒童發展的需要)“評估不當”“習作單一”和“功課繁重”等問題。
  方案教學對教師的素質要求其實頗高,因為在實施方案教學時教師常常要根據幼兒的興趣開展跨學科的專題探索,而有時幼兒的問題可能會很專業、很深奧。例如,“太陽伯伯晚上去哪里了?”這一看似簡單的問題其實牽涉到天文學中地球自轉、公轉及太陽系構成等許多專業知識。而香港現有幼稚園教師大多是中五畢業(相當於我國內地高一程度),沒有讀過高中預科課程,雖經在職進修而取得教育證書(Certificate of Education),但對天文、地理、物理、化學、歷史等學科知識都不太熟悉,實在難以應付這一課程模式所帶來的挑戰。一般來講,具有大學本科學歷再加幼教學位教師專業證書(Postgraduate Certificate in Education,簡稱PGDE)並具有3年以上教學經驗的教師才有可能成功推行這一模式。但很可惜,目前香港大多數幼稚園並不具備這樣的師資。
  專題探索活動往往需要教師帶幼兒去做現場調研(Field Study)。例如,開展“一封信的奇妙旅程”的主題活動,教師就要組織幼兒參觀郵局,到現場觀察、調查、研究,這樣幼兒才能對郵政環節有清楚的瞭解和認識。而這就需要經費和人力資源,如安排校車接送,安排帶隊教師,聯繫場地或有關部門。問題是香港幼稚園現在最緊缺的就是經費和人力資源。
  方案教學雖能滿足幼兒探究的興趣,培養其主動學習的能力,但有一個致命弱點,就是這種自然萌發的、以興趣為導向的、由兒童主導的學習活動難以為幼兒建構系統的學科知識體系。眾所周知,每一個學科都有自己的內在邏輯和學科體系,有自己的概念架構。例如,幼兒數學學習通常會從識數、數數開始,建立基本的數概念以後才會學習加法、減法等。這種系統的、有其內在學科順序或邏輯順序的學科學習,是幼兒必需的,但是通過方案教學是無法實現的。美國布希政府現在大力推行的“早期學習標準”(Early Learning Standard)就是要為幼兒在各個學習領域的學習設定一個最低標準,要求各幼稚園課程必須包括這些學科內容,以糾正過去美國幼教界無學科、無系統、不學習的極端自由主義傾向,提升幼稚教育品質。

回答 (2)

2009-10-20 4:00 am
First, in order to solve the problem as a model of curriculum integration clues (Problem-Solving Approach)
1, course overload kindergartens in Hong Kong did not commence the program of teaching
The implementation of the program of teaching most needed is time, teachers and children need to have adequate time to find and identify interesting questions or topics to start the lengthy case studies. However, the universal implementation of the half-day kindergartens in Hong Kong (bisessional class), children half a day on the school, actually, only 3 hours, after deducting the morning, refreshments, queuing, wash, song and dance, group activities, homework and conversion of other sectors, the daily actually only half an hour, the theme could be carried out exploratory activities. In 30 minutes time, the child may not be interested in production, exploration activities may not even started, it had to end activity. Therefore, the Board of Education at its annual inspection reports have pointed out that prevalence of kindergartens in Hong Kong "course overload" (do not have enough time and space to complete the required content) "Progress ultra-fast" (teaching content and progress of the failure to meet the needs of child development) "Assessment improper" "Project single" and "heavy homework," and so on.
2009-10-20 1:56 am
First, in order to solve the problem as a model of curriculum integration clues (Problem-Solving Approach)
1, course overload kindergartens in Hong Kong did not commence the program of teaching
The implementation of the program of teaching most needed is time, teachers and children need to have adequate time to find and identify interesting questions or topics to start the lengthy case studies. However, the universal implementation of the half-day kindergartens in Hong Kong (bisessional class), children half a day on the school, actually, only 3 hours, after deducting the morning, refreshments, queuing, wash, song and dance, group activities, homework and conversion of other sectors, the daily actually only half an hour, the theme could be carried out exploratory activities. In 30 minutes time, the child may not be interested in production, exploration activities may not even started, it had to end activity. Therefore, the Board of Education at its annual inspection reports have pointed out that prevalence of kindergartens in Hong Kong "course overload" (do not have enough time and space to complete the required content) "Progress ultra-fast" (teaching content and progress of the failure to meet the needs of child development) "Assessment improper" "Project single" and "heavy homework," and so on.

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