English Questions

2009-10-20 12:17 am
1. State the different between
I like this and
I do like this’?
What's the use of the word ’do’ add before a verb?

2. I think ’How are you’ and ’How do you do’ is inflexible.
Are there any spoken language just like What's up to say hello?

回答 (4)

2009-10-31 12:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple. Without going any complex into the sciences of English,

Usually this is how I roll:
I like this means You are definite about what you prefer.
I do like this means in principle or perhaps, you prefer this.

How do you do, to me means how are you faring for health, life and work so forth.
How are you, to me means what are you on and about today. what have you been doing lately?

In speech, I do pop hellos in ways of "How's it going?", "What's happening?", "What's up?", "How you doin?", "How're things?"

Just a tip. Not science. :)

2009-10-31 04:49:42 補充:
In speech, I do pop hellos in ways of Hows it going?, Whats happening?, Whats up?, How you doin?, Howre things?
2009-10-20 12:57 am
1. The use of the "do" word, it will make the sentance to make it more powerful. I think you should add a adverd before the "do" word.
參考: yahoo 聰明筆
2009-10-20 12:41 am
1. to emphasize
2. What's up is for speaking to friends. Although How are you is informal, it is more formal when compared to What's up.
2009-10-20 12:24 am
1.I do like----It is a much empasizing for the people to draw more attention for the verb after DO/DID.

2. "Hi" is the most common word to open the conversation dialogue.

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