
2009-10-19 10:26 pm
why have many SMS today? but no one is yours...
可唔可以解今日點解咁多sms 點冇一個是你的... garmmer 岩唔岩

回答 (4)

2009-10-20 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have received plenty of text messages (or SMS), yet up till now, none of them is from you.


Among all these text messages I have received today, I can't find one being sent by you.

They are both informal
2009-10-20 5:03 pm
Hmmm, well...
I'd write it like this:
- Today I've received lots of SMS, but why any of them were from you?
and I'd correct yours to look like this:
- Why did I receive so many SMS today but none was from you?

Hope this can help you out somehow. Have a Gorgeous Day ! ^^
2009-10-20 12:46 am
I had received many SMS today but none of them is from you.
2009-10-19 11:23 pm
i had so many sms today but none of it from you

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