translate to chinese please (急

2009-10-19 7:20 pm
I was a teacher.

I was being a teacher

I engaged in teacher

I worked as a teacher

I took part in a teacher

any difference before sentence 1 and sentence 2?

Can you translate the all 6 sentences into chinese?

如果我想寫" 當我是個教帥的時候", which sentence is the most suitable?

回答 (2)

2009-10-20 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
2. I was being a teacher
3. I engaged in teacher
5. I took part in a teacher

呢三句都唔o岩, 冇人會咁講, 尤其後兩句係完全地錯。

2. I was being a teacher o係好特殊O既情況下都可以用o既, 意思係"我(當時)作為一個老師".

1. I was a teacher 是過去式"我(當時)是一個老師"o既正常講法
4. I worked as a teacher 同1 基本上冇咩分別, 不過重點放左o係"我o既__職業__係老師"o既 "職業" 上

當我是個教師的時候 --- 視乎你呢句o既意思係咩...

當我(以前)是個教師的時候, ... - When I was a teacher, ...
當我(將來變成)是個教師的時候, ... - When I become/am a teacher, ...
參考: I am a teacher
2009-10-19 7:32 pm
I was a teacher , 好明顯已經係教師, I was being a teacher 將成為一個教師
如果你想寫你已經是一個個教師, 多數人寫信入 edb都係用, i worked as a
teacher, 希望可以幫到你啦

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