check grammar

2009-10-19 6:30 pm
She assisted in College admission exercise in handling enquiries and sharing experiences to the potential students and their parents. She also assisted in escorting visitors in the walk-in admission centre.

好似怪怪地, 但又唔知點改好, 請幫幫手, thanks!

回答 (3)

2009-10-19 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

She assisted in the college admission process. She welcomed visitors at the walk-in admission centre and escorted them around the campus if necessary. Also, she was responsible for handling enquiries and sharing her study experiences in the college to the new students and their parents.

備註:以上已對內容根據一般收生工作的流程重新排序,並就所要表達的意思作出修訂。由於上文講述的是收生程序,參加的人大部份應是合符資格入讀的學生,所以將 “potential students"更改為 “new students”。 假若收生工作需要再進行篩選,決定是否收錄,則應沿用 “potential students”。
參考: 個人意見
2009-10-20 1:03 am
句子一點也不怪. 清楚, 簡潔, 到題. 的認為不必修改.
2009-10-19 7:22 pm
She offered assistance in the College admission exercise by processing enquiries from and sharing expeiences with prospective students and their parents, as well as escorting walk-in visitors to the admission centre.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 06:43:50
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