數學題..Discrete Math..HELP!

2009-10-19 12:01 pm
How many binary strings of length 7 (that is; sequences of length 7 whose entries are chosen from { 0, 1 }) contain the substring 101?

For example, 1010101 is such a string,while 0111110 is not.

Hint: partition the set of all such strings according to the first occurence of the substring.

回答 (4)

2009-10-20 5:53 am
2009-10-21 1:53 am
2009-10-19 9:41 pm
I have written a macro to count the of occurence of such string, and the answer is 63.
2009-10-19 6:05 pm
以下為第一次出現 101 的位置:

101....  16種
.101...  16種
..101..  12種
...101.  10種
....101   9種


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