How does the story of adam and eve show the origin of evil?

2009-10-18 3:44 pm
detail please *best answer* ten points x thanks x

回答 (15)

2009-10-18 4:00 pm
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Angels or spirit creatures were already here to see, Gen.1:3-25, the earth prepared, then 1:26-31 [ 2:2,4 when God's day 6 ends, God's day 7 begans ]; God is spirit, John 4:24, Gen.3:1-5, 22, so Adam and Eve touched the tree in the center, middle, midst of the garden, Job 38:4-7, now God says, they have become as us [ spirit creatures ], to know good from evil, so evil had existed all the time, John 17:5,24, Jesus as we know him was with God before the world was, the example that just because evil is there, no need to allow it to be apart of ones life, but Satan made it his priority.
to Gen.4:25, and Gen.5:3, only 130 years has passed when Cain kills Abel, Seth is born. No population given.
Cain puts his feelings as more important than his brothers life.
參考: Bible.
2009-10-18 3:55 pm
I don't think it so much that it shows the origin of evil as it shows the realization that evil exists. Evil already existed before adam and eve they were just in a state of pure bliss where they knew no wrong or right. The garden of Eden allowed them to live in a state of innocence. When they ate the forbidden fruit they realized they were nude and it was embarrassing to them for the first time. They had to leave their perfect home and explore the difference between right and wrong. Every story is different but they all teach us the same thing. We have the free agency to choose between right and wrong.
2009-10-18 3:54 pm
Apparently, eating a bite of forbidden fruit is "evil" if God says don't do it. In contrast, a willingness to kill your own kid because a voice tells you do is "righteous", as long as you believe it's God (Abraham).

How God could hold Adam and Eve responsible for an "evil" act when they didn't know the difference between good and evil until they tried the fruit?
2009-10-18 4:23 pm
A&E lived in a paradies and had never sinned before. They were pure, perfect, with everlasting life (not immortality). They experienced only good things.

Then Eve took from the tree, and Adam also did. Thus they learned the meaning of a bad conscience and how it feels to lose God's acceptance. The had to leave paradise and started to become older and older. The everlasting life was lost. Distrustful thoughts and evil deeds followed.

And they passed this imperfect state on to their offspring - us.
2009-10-18 4:02 pm
The history of Adam and Eve our ancestors does not show the origin of Evil. It shows the origin of our intelligence and the reason why many people believe they can be their own gods. In the beginning God created man, man is a spirit in flesh. Flesh is our limitation it is what causes us to be imperfect. We are essentially animals, evil in action still existed, but evil upon intent did not. Once the forbidden fruit was eaten we know right from wrong and now we have the burden of guilt and responsibility upon us and the bible time and time again shows it's true words by confirming it from a multitude of scientific truths. The bible states because man and women ate the forbidden fruit women will have intense child pains. Essentially because we got smart women will suffer a brief period of time during child labor. Incidentally the human species is the only animal with a brain to body ratio that is greater then any other creature... just slightly large enough to cause labor pains which no other creature has.
2009-10-18 4:01 pm
Adam and Eve represent the dawn of awakening and reason of human thinking. There were many Adam and Eve's all over Earth. In the Bible Cain was banished in the desert after killing his brother. If Adam and Eve were the only couple where did the other folks come from? The Bible has many wonderful readings and I find them enlightening, but in an anthropological way of thinking, maybe they were the one of many things that happen today, it is called a couples tiff and they will blame each other. god was the great Judge in the sky and his Arch Angels were the attorney's in the sky. It was the first recorded divorce.
參考: my insight
2009-10-18 4:01 pm
Adam and eve did something very bad. Ans so God punishing them. They did something God told them not to do. God told them they could eat food from the trees of the garden. But from one tree God said not to eat, or else they would die. He kept that tree as his own. One day when Eve was alone in the garden, a snake spoke to her. It told eve to eat fruit from the tree from which God told them not to eat. When God made snakes he did not make them so they could talk, so there someone else was making the snake speak. Who was that? It wasn't Adam.So it had to be one of the persons that God had made long before he made earth. Those persons are angels. This one angel had become very proud. He bagan thinking that he should be a ruler like God, that is Satan. He was the angel that made the snake talk. This angel was able to fool Eve. When he told her that she would become like God if she ate the fruit, she believed it. So she ate, and Adam did too. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and thats is why they lost their beautiful Garden home.
2009-10-18 3:53 pm
It doesn't exactly. It shows that the serpent (satan,devil,fallen angel) was able to give doubt about God's words. Through that doubt god was ignored and so began the sin of man. The origin of Evil goes back before the sinning of adam ad Eve. It was when the angel cast from heaven thought he deserved that which god received from the other angels.
2009-10-18 4:12 pm
Here's a crazy theory:

The serpent was the symbol of evil. In my theory the serpent symbolizes Is Not(Fear,anger, guilt, worry, etc...). While the Tree of life symbolizes Is(love, life, hope, faith, loyalty, etc...)

When Adam(the first men) and Eve(the first women) ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil( received "wrong" knowledge or made a regrettable choice) They were embarrassed of their choice and of themselves. When God found out the truth(don't know how), Adam and Eve put the blame on someone else(don't know either).

Thus God sent them out of Eden( Human race lose Nirvana or the Kingdom of Heaven and the feel separated from their god) and were denied from the Tree of Life(They forgot what Is feels like).

Now humans are no longer in the Kingdom of Heaven. Adam and Eve have to endure hardship till they die(Their thinking of their Separation created insufficiency within and without themselves and it will persist lifelong)

But God punished the Serpent too. One day Man(the Messiah) will crush it( the Messiah will conquer Is Not and reveal the Kingdom of Heaven)

Jesus preach that the Kingdom of God is Now Here. Only a Child-like person can attain or "see" it. Born again of the sSpirit may symbolize a change in perception.

Anyone can decode Genesis? They did a good job on Revelation
2009-10-18 4:04 pm
Its does not show the origin of evil but the devil trying to falsify God will in choosing adam and eve to be the dweller of paradise, in the Book of barnabas, Lucifer question's good righteousness because he destine Man whom God created from clay to be the inheritance of paradise (eden), instead of them the angels (who where created from light), due to this converting of reward, Lucifer questioning of God's decision he and some of other angels where vanished in heaven, but with Lucifer promise to disproved God will and his mistake why he choose man, and tell to God to give him remorse (a time before judgment) and he will bring many man into disobedient to him that God might know that he should had chosen Him (lucifer) to be the inheritor of paradise and not man who are made of clay and are weak and easily astray against worshiping God.

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