empirical/molecular formula!!

2009-10-19 6:22 am
I don't get this question.
please show the answer step by step .
Clear answer!

When the chloride of phosporus contaning 85.1% chlorine is heated a second chloride containing 77.5% chlorine is produced. Find the formulae of the chlorides and suggest what the other product of the heating might be.

the book's suggested answers are PCI5 , PCl3 , Cl2 <-- but i don't know how to get Cl2???

回答 (2)

2009-10-19 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider the chloride of phosphorus containing 85.1% chlorine:
Mass ratio P : Cl = (100 - 85.1) : 85.1 = 14.9 : 85.1
Mole ratio P : Cl = 14.9/31 : 85.1/35.5 = 0.481 : 2.40 = 1 : 5
Hence, empirical formula of the chloride of phosphorus = PCl5

Consider the chloride of phosphorus containing 77.5% chlorine:
Mass ratio P : Cl = (100 - 77.5) : 77.5 = 22.5 : 77.5
Mole ratio P : Cl = 22.5/31 : 77.5/35.5 = 0.726 : 2.18 = 1 : 3
Hence, empirical formula of the chloride of phosphorus = PCl3

Reacting of the heating:
PCl5 → PCl3 + other product
By inspection, it is easy to find to the other product is Cl2 .
2009-10-19 6:30 am
參考: 英雄莫問出處

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