Bio help me(20點)

2009-10-19 5:14 am
What is the importance of chlorophyll to other organisms in the world?

Explain how mitochondria can be the"powerhouse" of the cell?

How is the number of mitochondria in a cell related to the metabolic activity of the cell?

A nimal cells usually contain more mitchondria than plant cells. Explain why.


回答 (2)

2009-10-22 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chlorophyll is an important pigment in plant which supports photosynthesis in which inorganic substances are converted to organic food for self consumption and consumption of organisms of higher trophic levels. Plants play the role of producers in the food chain, without chlorophyll, photosynthesis is not possible and food cannot be consumed.
furthermore, plants through photosynthesis plays an important role in the Carbon cycle. Without chlorophyll, photosynthesis will not be possible and thus carbon in the atmosphere cannot by recycled.
Also, in photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, this can help maintain the oxygen-carbon dioxide balance of the atmosphere.

Mitochondria is important in respiration in which glucose is broken down into energy, CO2 and water. Thus it is the powerhouse of the cell.

more number of mitochondria more metabolic activity

Mitochondria tend to congregate where energy is required. More energy is required in animals as they have to move around while plants need not, thus more mitochondria is present.
參考: me
2009-10-19 5:42 am
prvent the colon cancel as a result of persistals of the intestine

Explain how mitochondria can be the"powerhouse" of the cell?

the mitochondria is the place which respiration take place the respiration can release energy therefor it is energy store house

How is the number of mitochondria in a cell related to the metabolic activity of the cell?

more number of mitochondria more metabolic activity since higher rate of respiration can release more metablic waste

A nimal cells usually contain more mitchondria than plant cells. Explain why.
ANIMALS need relatively large energy to action such as running and swimming
參考: 英雄莫問出處

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:58:47
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