What to do With My Life?

2009-10-17 12:58 pm
Hi, im quite badly depressed and have been for a week today. Im 17 and a male from England. Now I just feel so down that i sometimes think about ending my life. Even now, i was just about to go to a 2nd cousins 1st birthday although i don't see that side of the family much, got ready in the car to go, then last minute i got out and didn't go. I don't even understand myself anymore. I put myself down and down, but i feel i deserve it. No body hates me as much as i do, i don't have nothing good to say about myself. Im currently doing an electrician course, it's alright im ok at it, but slow at working. Another thing i can't do right, the other days i can't even get a part time job to pay for a car, even some of my friends have cars and are driving. I want to make something of my life, perhaps a bit of fame, although im not the most confident of people and some say im shy but if i know the person im talking to, im not really that shy i don't think. Also ive been thinking about Miley Cyrus's life, and just wish i had something like that, i really like her, what's the point in mentioning her in the same sentence, im a bit of trash to her and the rest of the world.

I might aswell throw my life away because im not happy the way things are. I don't know what to do anymore.. I really don't.

回答 (8)

2009-10-17 2:59 pm
if your waiting for society to change your life it will not happen, you have to change it. get motivated, find something that interest you and go with it. you make your life not others, start living your life the way you want to and not caring what others say, therapist do not work you just have to get motivated, get up and do something, you are missing out on what life has to offer, don't just sit there move go outside see what things around your flat or house,
2009-10-17 2:50 pm
Hey John,
Look up at the sky. There is a beautiful sun and white fluffy clouds up there. Is the light fading away? No, it's not dear. And it never will. Everyone has a chance to shine. I want to be famous too. So we just have to keep trying. It might be a painful path, and it maybe rugged, but one day, we will reach the top, and look down and shout 'Look at me World!'
If you're stressed, lie on your bed and listen to music. Calm yourself down. If you are depressed, go write a diary. Express your feelings towards everything that's bothering. Find something that you are interested, join groups and stuff. Do some sports and get to know more friends. You might gian more courage because you get to know more people.
Did you know that Bill Gates and the person who created facebook was actually a Harvard dropout? But they got famous. Did not give up on anything. I always get scolded by my parents and teachers. But i look up and say to myself ' Look i'm going to do better, so much better that you will be sorry you scolded me' :)
Never, never end your life. I tried it once too. But then i realized that alot of people outside care for me. Can you bear the thought of your parents at your funeral? Can you think your friends can endure the pain of loosing a friend like you? Have you ever thought of getting a career? Or maybe getting married and have kids? Drugs, Alcohol won't work dear.
Live it up! That's what life's about. Put a smile on your face. The stars are shinning for you.
If you need anyone one to talk to, add me on msn :
[email protected]
It is because I care for you too :)
參考: me :P
2009-10-17 1:48 pm
DAME! That sammy person's an idiot ofc we have therapist's :| ******!
2009-10-17 1:44 pm
Hi John,
Do you know Miley Cyrus? do you know what goes on in her life? everyone has problems, there's a whole list of stars who ended their life? Do you know why, If your depressed, and think the only way your life will get better is to have money and buy things that will cheer you up, your right, everyone thinks that way and sometimes it works, but for a short period of time, But what if you already have everything and your depressed? I don't know If you believe in god but I do, and I believe that if my life hadn't any purpose I wouldn't be born. Everyone's life has a purpose, All you got to do is to search for it, discover your talents, If you never tried something how will ever know if you suck in it?, and when you do, pursuit that dream and I'm sure all the ones around you will be supportive. And think, If you ended your life, how would your family feel ?
參考: I am a Muslim
2009-10-17 1:36 pm
You know, your not the first to feel like this and wont be the last. I often feel useless and unloved. I Hate myself sometimes because I feel like I will never be any good at anything and that my life will always suck and I will always be alone. At times I feel so unloved it burns.

I also do that thing where you compare your life to someone else's and think how much better it would be to be them and have the things that they have but it's not so.

I've learned over the years that no ones life is as good as it appears to be on the out side. The world is full of people with pains and worries and depression. People put on a brave face in life and tend not to show their pain. Look at you, how many people know that you are feeling as sad as you are? How many of people look at your life and think ' I wish I was him'?

You can't answer that because you don't know. What you also don't know is the problems other people have. My point, by the way, is don't wish to be other people because while things look good on the outside, it's very rear that it is as good on the inside.

Life is hard and you are so young to be feeling so much sadness. I was the same and wanted to end my life but I didn't. I take one day at a time. Being lost in life it normal; I'm in my thirties and feel like I'll never understand why I was born. But to keep going I stop comparing my life to other and start looking at the things that make me happy and go for that. I like siting in my house and watching TV so that's what I do. All my friends are out and about do things and I think 'maybe I should be doing that' but I don't want to so I don't.

Focus on the things in life you enjoy, even if it isn't the norm. Don't let yourself get weighted down by what the future may bring and just let it come to you. You are worth something to someone and while you may not feel it I'm sure you'll be able to see it in the eyes of your friends and family. Being lost at 17 is OK, you don't have to know where your going, you just have to keep going. You might not make it big as a star but life will find a place for you. And if you do what to be a celebrity then go for it, what you got to loose? Just don't go on big brother, please.

Life is hard and sometimes just keeping your head above water is the hardest thing of all but with every new day comes the chance for change.
2009-10-17 1:11 pm
Hi John,

I know how you feel. But there are so many ways to feel better.
Some are more short term others are longer.

I would be happy to help you since I have really been there myself. If you want to chat to someone, you can email my at [email protected]

All the best, things will look better
2009-10-17 1:11 pm
Right.. You must not think about thowing your life away dont think like that!!!! And yh very one wants to belike miley cyrus shes billioner at the age of 15-16 but dont compare your life to her it makes every ne feel like there life is rubish when you compre to her, and i you kp trying for a part time job i sure that you will get one its jus unfortunate you wil be fine do not worrie , fame isnt everything remember that! sorry to sound harsh, i suggest that you take a vacation ON YOUR OWN jut a weeked away or sumthing lke that get your thoughts to gether and think what you want to do in life but never ever think about taking your own life!!

I hope i help an please think about what i said :)

Dont worrie x
參考: Meeeee!!:)
2009-10-17 1:03 pm
well john I dunno if England has therapist but, you really need to see one. I mean I was in your predicament and went to one, and things really got better. Just go you won't regret it

answer mine <3
參考: prior knowledge

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