Hi, im quite badly depressed and have been for a week today. Im 17 and a male from England. Now I just feel so down that i sometimes think about ending my life. Even now, i was just about to go to a 2nd cousins 1st birthday although i don't see that side of the family much, got ready in the car to go, then last minute i got out and didn't go. I don't even understand myself anymore. I put myself down and down, but i feel i deserve it. No body hates me as much as i do, i don't have nothing good to say about myself. Im currently doing an electrician course, it's alright im ok at it, but slow at working. Another thing i can't do right, the other days i can't even get a part time job to pay for a car, even some of my friends have cars and are driving. I want to make something of my life, perhaps a bit of fame, although im not the most confident of people and some say im shy but if i know the person im talking to, im not really that shy i don't think. Also ive been thinking about Miley Cyrus's life, and just wish i had something like that, i really like her, what's the point in mentioning her in the same sentence, im a bit of trash to her and the rest of the world.
I might aswell throw my life away because im not happy the way things are. I don't know what to do anymore.. I really don't.