What happens if you're fat and you are in love with someone?

2009-10-17 12:46 pm
Hi, I am fifteen, five foot seven and weigh 80kg. I've always been really insecure although people lie to my face and tell me that im pathetic and not fat. The guy that i love, told me that he was in love with me. He treats me better than anything in the world, and i wouldnt leave him for the world. But he admitted tonight that i was a little bit big and i started crying really hard. I cant get to sleep at all anymore and ive stopped eating. I want to spend forever with this person but i cant get over feeling uncomfortable because im so huge. please help me, what do i do?

回答 (11)

2009-10-17 1:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is going to be long, bear with me:

The obvious answer is to go on a diet. However, that is so much easier said than done, for sure. If you can honestly, and only you really know the true answer, if you honestly can say that you are not overeating or eating unhealthy foods, then, you may want to get your thyroid checked by your doctor.

The word "diet", as in "loose weight diet" is so overused. Diet is a lifelong commitment to putting only healthy things into your body, one day at a time. If you think of food as medicine for a healthy body, then you know that fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, fish and whole grains are good medicine for the body. Junk food like anything wrapped in a cellophane or sold in a bag is horrible medicine for your body.

Your organs and your skin need lots of water, so you should be drinking four 8oz glasses of water a day. Did you know that the majority of hunger pangs are really your body's plea for water? If you drink a glass of water every time you feel hungry between meals it will keep your stomach and your mind from feeling like you have to eat.

If you took the time to read the ingredient panel on the foods that you eat, you will be surprised at the crap that goes into your body. I bet 75% of the population cannot even pronounce some of the ingredients in the food that we eat. If you cannot pronounce it, don't eat it.

Set ground rules for yourself, like: I will not eat while standing. I will not eat while watching TV. I will only eat at the table at meal time and only healthy snacks between meals. I will avoid fast food.

The key to eating healthy is easy. It is all in the shopping. Do not even buy junk food or any food that is bad for your body. Buy food that has bulk to fill you up. Fresh fruits, veggies and whole grain cereals and breads are wonderful for you and are satisfying to fill you with the nutrition and fuel you need to feed the furnace to burn fat.

Did you know that it takes up to 20 minutes for your stomach to signal the brain to let it know that you are full and should stop eating? Most people who overeat at a meal eat large portions quickly rather than smaller portions at a slower pace. Eat slowly, savor every bite.

Finally, you need to move your body so that it triggers your body to begin burning calories. A simple 30 minute walk will be so beneficial to your health. Once you begin walking, you will notice your clothing will become loose. Long after your walk is over, your body still is burning calories. Walking is great for your heart and every other muscle in your body. Walking is low impact, not strenuous and has guaranteed results. Get a great pair of walking sneakers and walk.

As for the social acceptance you are looking for....kids can be the meanest age group of people. Our society shoves unrealistic physical images down the throats of females. Do you know that Barbie, if life size would be freakishly tall with an 18" waste? All those covers on magazines are not only touched up for a flawless complexion, but necks are elongated, cheek bones are raised, cheeks are sunken in and it is not a true portrayal of the original photograph. So, girls are striving to look like something that is not even real and therefore, impossible to attain.

Having a healthy body is important. Not because of your pant size, but because your body will live longer and you will avoid many health issues associated with being over weight. Diabeties, knee, leg and foot problems, heart problems, joint problems and isolation, insecurities, depression, and self loathing can all be results of being over weight.

Take control of your body, it will impower you to the likes of which you never dreamed of. Find out what might trigger your unhealthy eating and begin there because it all starts in your mind, not your stomach.

Good Luck
2009-10-17 2:04 pm
You are drowning in a glass of water, come on girl all you have to do is watch what you eat no junk food ! and exercise cardiovascular is good lose wait and your tears will soon be smiles is that simple.
2009-10-17 12:52 pm
you my be fat, but that doesn't change who you are. That being said, you can do something about your weight. Don't take the guys' words to heart; he said he loves you, he's telling you because being overweight is unhealthy and he cares for you. Eat! By not eating you'll just end up gaining more weight. Eat healthy food and do about 1/2 hour of exercise a day. Start small; 20 mins a day, for a week, and then go up to 1/2 hour. When you're feeling unchallenged by this, make it an hour. You'll see results and love your body. But your body is not you; you need to know this. Looks are transient. When you lose weight, make sure you don't lose your personality as well, or else you'll lose him. Good luck; I know you can do it.
2016-05-22 1:09 pm
You can't Physical attractiveness is part of "love". If you don't look good no woman is going to take the time to find out if you have a great personality, are very intelligent, have a great sense of humour or are kind to animals. That's just human nature
2009-10-17 2:54 pm
I really wouldn't worry, if I were you. I am 15, and 5 foot 7, and weigh 55kg, but I've never even HAD a boyfriend. Yet you've found someone you'd be willing to spend your whole life with.
Even if he said you were 'a bit big', it doesn't mean he doesn't like it. He fell in love with you exactly how you are - when you were happy. Now you're starving yourself and making yourself unhappy, and that will make him upset that he's done this to you. Think about this.
If you still feel like you want to lose weight, you should do it carefully, and healthily. I don't want to rip off anyone else's answers, so I'll say this: there are hundreds of answers on here that will help you with what you want, so don't just do this alone.
I'm sure your parents, friends, and boyfriend will be happy to help you, whatever road you choose.
The most important thing, though, is to just keep smiling. :)
Cheer up, lovely, you're in love.
2009-10-17 2:21 pm
You are a real class act dots. To answer your question is that if he really loves you he will love you for you and not your size.There is an underlying issue with him like he thinks he will be embarrassed in front of family or friends with you.This will always be an issue with him and will likely never change. you would be better off with someone who accepts you for who you are and should never tell you that the issue is that your weight is an issue, or it always will be.They will never be satisfied with you.they will always find some flaw to complain about.Good Luck
2009-10-17 2:17 pm
My dear fat has nothing at all to do with Love.He loves you and thats what matters.That does not mean you shouldnt work on yourself cos you ar ereally still young my dear.Pls dont ever cry cos of that else you start to develop inferiority complex which will really put you in a pretty bad shape.Just do exercise consciously.You will be fine.love.
2009-10-17 1:00 pm
First, get a grip on yourself. The only thing less attractive than being fat is being hysterical. If you want to lose weight -- nd more important -- be healthy, get a sane, long-term nutrition-and-exercise plan and stick to it. Don't react to the present situation with extreme self-denial, because that never lasts. All you do is "yo-yo" between starving, and indulgence with lots of guilt in between. Weight Watchers worked for my wife and me. They teach you how to eat right everyday for you whole life, not starve yourself this month so you can collapse and eat too much next month -- which is what most "diets" are about. WW is online now, so you can do that if actual meetings aren't available. And exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Go for long walks with your BF -- you'll both enjoy it.
2009-10-17 12:57 pm
no no no no no darling! ok the person who called you tubby was extremely rude. IGNORE that guy.
ok look, fat people CAN love someone and can BE loved by someone. Have you watch Hairspray? Tracy and Link ended up together but tracy was not fit at all. It's not the outer appearance that's important, im sure your inner beauty is so beautiful that it blooms right out of you and make you beautiful. Don't take his comment too hard, laugh it off. Do not put it on your heart. You might get anorexia if you don't eat and i tell you, you would look even worse. Not eating is NEVER a good way of loosing weight because you still have fat in you. And if you start eating again and you will grow really really chubby again :)
Don't take it too hard baby :) Laugh it off, every body's beautiful
參考: me :)
2009-10-17 12:54 pm
wow Sonia.... now i have to tell you the story of my life:
i am over weighted too, i started my diet when i was at 80kg.
that weight (80kg) is 80 kg on ur heart, on your brain and it wont allow you to even SPEAK to people! you always feel like hating yourself
but i wanna tell you something! you wont decipher this problem if you wont doo something! you can lose all the weight in 3 motnhes!
3 monthes to become a new person.
so stop crying, because now when im on the way to lose weight i start feeling better about how i look like.
and it effects on everything, all of ur life its a 180c change!
so dont give up for your love just because of few KGS
goooooooddd luck my dear, clean the negative with positive

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