
2009-10-18 4:41 am
1) In a sale,if we buy a box of washing powder,then we can get the second box at half price.If 2 boxes of washing powder cost $51,find the original price of washing powder.

2)Eric has a piece of string 80 cm long.He cuts the string into 3 parts of different
lengths.The length of the longest part is 3 times that of the shortest part,and the middle-sized part is 5 cm longer than the shortest part. How long is each part?

3)Simom has some$2 and $5 coins.The number of $2 coins is 5 more than the number of $5 coins.If the total value of the coins is $94,find the number of $5 coins.

4)Grandmother is 48 years older than Bobby.Her age will be 5 times Bobby's age 2 years later.How old is Bobby now?

5)Mr.Wong had 25 $20 notes and some $50 and$100 notes .The number of $50 notes was twice the number of $100 notes.

(a)Write down an algebraic expresson to show the total value of the notes in terms of x.

(b)After buying a camera for$1500,Mr.Wong still had $800.Find the value of x.

6)Fanny made a profit of $1020 on selling sports shoes and slippers.The profits from selling a pair of sports shoes and slippers are $40 and$25 respectively.
Suppose that 30 pairs of shoes are sold of which x pairs are sports shoes.

a)Express the total profit from selling the slippers.
b)Find the value of x.

7)Mrs.Mok bought 8 mangoes and 10 pears in a supermaket. The cost of a mango was $2 more than a pear.Mrs.Mok paid $100 for the fruit and the change was$12.

a)How much was a pear?
b)If an orange is $1 cheaper than a pear,how many oranges can be bought with $100 at most?


漏左一題= = The length of a retangle is 3 cm more than twice its width.If the perimeter of the rectangle is 42 cm,find the width of the rectangle.

回答 (1)

2009-10-18 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Let the original price be $x.
Total cost for 2 boxes = $x + $x/2 = $51
3x/2 = 51
x = 34
The original price is $34
2) Let the length of the shortest part be x cm.
The longest part is 3x cm
The middle part is (x + 5) cm
Total length = x + 3x + x + 5 = 80
5x + 5 = 80
5x = 75
x = 15
The shortest part is 15cm, the middle part is 20 cm and the longest part is 45 cm
3)Let the number of $5 coins be x
Then the number of $2 coins is x + 5
Total value = 5x + 2(x + 5) = 94
7x + 10 = 94
7x = 84
x = 12
There are 12 $5 coins.
4)Let the age of Bobby be x years old.
Grandma's age is x + 48
Two years later x + 48 + 2 = 5(x + 2)
x + 50 = 5x + 10
4x = 40
x = 10
Bobby is 10 tens old
5)Let the number of $100 notes be x
The number of $50 notes is 2x
Total value = 25*20 + 2x(50) + x(100)
= 500 + 200x
(b)500 + 200x - 1500 = 800
200x = 800 + 1500 - 500
x = 9
There are 9 $100 notes and 18 $50 notes.
6)a) The total profit from selling the slippers = (30 - x)*25
= 750 - 25x
b) The total profit fromo selling sports shoes = 40x
Total profit = 750 - 25x + 40x = 1020
15x = 270
x = 18
7)a) Let the cost of a pear be $x
Cost of mango = $(x + 2)
Total cost = 10x + 8(x + 2) = 100 - 12
18x + 16 = 88
18x = 72
x = 4
A pear costs $4
b) Cost of orange = 4 - 1 = $3
Since 100/3 = 33.33...
With $100, Mrs Mok can 33 oranges at most

2009-10-18 00:05:02 補充:
Let the width be w cm
Length = 2w + 3
Perimeter = (w + 2w + 3) x 2 = 42
3w + 3 = 21
w = 6 cm

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