F.3 chem (metal extraction)

2009-10-18 3:14 am
1. Lead oxide, copper oxide, iron oxide, which metal can be extracted by heating the metal ores with carbon powder?

2. Lead oxide, copper oxide, iron oxide, which one is the most difficult to extract metal?

回答 (3)

2009-10-18 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of the oxides can be extracted by heating the metal ores with carbon powder.

However, in school laboratory only lead oxide and copper oxide can be extracted by heating the metal ores with carbon powder. This is because the extraction of iron by heating its ore with carbon needs a temperature much higher than 1000oC, and such a high temperature cannot be provided in school laboratory.

The more reactive than metal, the more stable is its oxide.
Reactivity: iron > copper > lead
Since iron is the most reactive metal among the three metals, iron oxide is the most stable among their metals, and thus iron oxide is the most difficult to extract to metal.
2009-10-18 4:00 am
1.copper oxide, iron oxide
2.Lead oxide
2009-10-18 3:47 am
1.Copper oxide.
2.Iron oxide

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