Is anyone taking tamoxifen?

2009-10-16 9:47 pm
did you gain or lose weight? what other side effects did u have?? how long did u take it for?

Thanks, But already know all the side effects..I was asking people who is taking them now, what are they experiencing

回答 (4)

2009-10-16 10:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Common Side Effects of Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen has been studied thoroughly in clinical trials, in which a group of people taking the drug have side effects documented. In these studies, the most common side effects of tamoxifen included:

* Hot flashes -- in up to 80 percent of people
* Vaginal discharge -- up to 50 percent
* Water retention -- up to 32 percent

Serious Tamoxifen Side Effects
Some side effects with tamoxifen, while occurring infrequently, are potentially serious and should be reported immediately to your healthcare provider. These include, but are not limited to:

* Increase in tumor size or appearance of new tumors
* Difficulty breathing
* Depression
* Unusual or unexplained vaginal bleeding
* High blood pressure (hypertension)
* Chest pain
* Osteoporosis or broken bones
* Signs of a blood clot, such as:

o Pain
o Swelling
o Tenderness (especially in the legs)

* Signs of an allergic reaction, including:

o Unexplained rash
o Hives
o Itching
o Unexplained swelling.

* Nausea -- up to 26 percent
* Irregular menstrual periods -- up to 25 percent
* Weight loss -- up to 23 percent
* Vaginal bleeding -- up to 23 percent.

Other common tamoxifen side effects (occurring in 2 to 19 percent of people taking the drug) included:

* Bone pain
* Back pain
* Headaches
* Cough
* High cholesterol
* Fatigue
* Muscle pain
* Ovarian cysts
* Skin changes
* Infection
* Indigestion or heartburn
* Insomnia
* Constipation or diarrhea
* Anemia
* Weight gain
* Mood changes
* Hair loss.
2014-12-23 11:51 am
More common
• Absent, missed, or irregular periods
• decrease in the amount of urine
• feeling of warmth
• menstrual changes
• noisy, rattling breathing
• redness of the face, neck, arms and occasionally, upper chest
• skin changes
• stopping of menstrual bleeding
• swelling of the fingers, hands, feet, or lower legs
• troubled breathing at rest
• weight gain or loss
• white or brownish vaginal discharge

Less common or rare
• Abdominal or stomach cramps
• black, tarry stools
• bleeding gums
• blood in the urine or stools
• bluish color changes in skin color
• bone pain
• decreased interest in sexual intercourse
• discouragement
• feeling sad or empty
• hair loss or thinning of the hair
• headache
• inability to have or keep an erection
• irritability
• itching in the genital area
• loss of interest or pleasure
• loss in sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance
• nausea or vomiting (mild)
• pain
• pinpoint red spots on the skin
• skin rash or dryness
• stomach or pelvic discomfort, aching, or heaviness
• swelling
• trouble concentrating
• trouble with sleeping
• unusual bleeding or bruising
2009-10-18 9:33 am
My weight didn't change, but I constantly have to fight weight gain.

I had hot flushes, lethargy and generally felt run down.

I switched to Arimidex after 2 years.

I found evening primrose oil helped with the hot flushes and taking it at bedtime made the lethargy bearable.

Don't like Arimidex much either, but the generally feeling run down is less.

My 5 years total is up in March and i can't wait to stop taking these!

Good luck.
2009-10-16 11:30 pm
If you look on this shows side effects you might get from Tamoxifen -and more importantly, what you can do about treating them.

Don't come off the drug - but look for help in handling problems caused by this powerful drug.

Good luck

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