how to improve english level

2009-10-17 12:51 am
can you give some idea about how to improve my english level?

回答 (3)

2009-10-17 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Indeed, I think the most important thing is that you are willing to make a change.
1. You can read more fictions. You can choose some junior books from library. Although you may think that you have not learnt anything new vocabularies, you have already learn the structural and organizational skills.
2. You should listen to more natives speaking English. You can try to do it by listening to English news. But is you think that it is boring, you can try to listen to English when you are watching movies.
3. You should also try to improve your English oral skills by reading aloud. You can use an English news article and read aloud. You can start by reading simple English.
2009-10-30 12:58 am
1.go to english school learn english english book
3.see english tv
4.say english
2009-10-17 2:01 pm
I'm a h.k girl who studies in Canada. My Canadian Born Chinese friend told me that, if you want to improve your English, there're 3 important things you've got to do.

These are the most important things you must do....
You've got to watch English newspapers, English channels, Hollywood's movies, read English novels, listen to English songs and try to sing it !!!!!!
Don't do the practice book blindly, it's not really must listen, and speak, and read !!!!!!!!

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