
2009-10-16 10:16 am

回答 (3)

2009-10-17 1:02 am
If your speeding is more than 15km/h, plus no P plate, your p licence will need to be cancelled. If speeding is less than 15km/h, your p licence need to be extended. So, don't try to get full licence, otherwise waste of money. You may go to http://www.td.gov.hk/FileManager/TC/Content_178/c%20booklet.pdf and see see.
2009-10-16 7:12 pm
2009-10-16 12:21 pm
"比警察捉正" the chance to win in this case is low. So, I would say 書面認罪 would better for you.
You can say you are testing the bike/ car before you buy from the owner. and you are not try to commit not to display the P plate.

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