
2009-10-16 8:52 am
有人話佢係粗口,但係如果係「 give a damn」咁又係在乎既意思



仲有...no day but today...要點樣喺平時講野既時候帶出黎?意思我知點解...我只係想知要點樣喺平時講野既時候用出黎... 咁起碼如果小組討論真係用得著都可以扮下野嘛

回答 (3)

2009-10-16 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
damn 是一個比較負面的字,意思大多用作指責及咒罵等

無錯, give a damn 係在乎,但係,你咪諗住考試拋這些東西出來

為什麼?考試為求穩妥,亂拋特別意思的東西出來,尤其是 damn 這一類,很易令人誤會,同埋現實點,你估 d 考官一定識既o羊... 佢地聽唔明,你仲死...

其實我覺得考 oral, 最緊要係交流,及 eye contact

參考: 我 CE syll. B oral A
2009-10-16 7:34 pm
MarsMan's answer is very good. The purpose of oral is to communicate with people but not to show off. Using simple English to express your ideas is good and effective in communication. Don't use difficult words. If nobody understands them, what's the use?
2009-10-16 2:05 pm
Damn means :
(v.) 指責,攻擊, 毀壞,糟踏, 咒駡,詛咒, 討厭!該死!
(eg. damn Peter ! ===> 死野Peter !! )
(eg. Damn me, but I'll do it. ===> 我一定要幹,我死也要幹。 )
(eg. I am damned if I do it ! ===> 我決不會有這樣的事 ! )

(n.) 詛咒, 些微
(eg. Not care a damn. ===> 毫不在乎)
(eg. Not worth a damn. ===> 毫無價值.)
(eg. Who gives a damn ? ===> 誰管呢? )

(不及物動詞) 咒駡
(eg. Damn all. ===> 完全沒有)
(eg. Do damn all ! ===> 簡直什麼都不幹.)

2009-10-16 06:07:44 補充:
And ......don't use this word in homework and exams.....this word is not appropiate to use in this way.....It can only use it wen we are talking....

2009-10-16 06:08:28 補充:
when, not wen...>.

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