How old is the earth, and where did we come from?

2009-10-15 4:24 pm
4.5 billion years old, by the process of evolution.

There's mountains of scientifically valid information I can view to back this up, I don't know anyone where I live who would dispute this, clergy included.

I'm curious as to how anyone does not believe this, saying evolution is only a theory is invalid especially because this 'theory' has substantially more documented evidence than the universally accepted theory of Gravity.

I understand that it contradicts made in God's image, some people go with God helps evolution along (which doesn't make sense), and most religious people I know believe that God was involved in the initial creation.

Bearing in mind there's already massive amount's of evidence showing our ancestors, and that to observe evolution with our 'eyes' would take millions of years. What would it take to believe that evolution is a reality?

I asked a question and gave my view, then asked what it would take for someone who didn't believe, to believe. How anyone didn't see that is not my fault.

回答 (18)

2009-10-15 4:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your question is really "Why don't people believe the evolutionary processes," given the mountain of evidence.

There is no easy answer to this. Evolutionary theory challenges a strongly held religious belief that people were instantly created by the supernatural. Given the resistance that people had when Galileo et al insisted the earth was NOT the center of the universe, there are going to be people who will never accept evolutionary theory in our generation. However, as time passes, this will bear itself out and people will become more accepting.

Hope this helps.
2009-10-15 11:27 pm
No offense, but what's the point of asking a question and immediately giving an answer?
2009-10-15 11:32 pm
I would need to reject the Lord and this I will not do. You cannot prove your millions and billions of years. You only assume they happened to get where you want to be in evolutionary thinking.

Man's wisdom has failed me many times. God's wisdom has never failed me.

I believe God holds everything together. You believe what you want. Evolution is as much religion as anything else.
2009-10-15 11:29 pm
We come from space and the earth is only like 150 years old. It's all fake and make believe.
2009-10-15 11:31 pm
How old is earth? When God made everything here on earth, we come from God because he made us.
2009-10-15 11:38 pm
Just saying evolution is a theory does not make it real, you need to present the proof of evolution to us non believers otherwise your words mean nothing..

Present the evidence and prove that its true, don't just say it "PROVE IT"..
2009-10-15 11:34 pm
4.5 billion years old, by the process of evolution.

There's mountains of scientifically valid information I can view to back this up, I don't know anyone where I live who would dispute this, clergy included.

I'm curious as to how anyone does not believe this, saying evolution is only a theory is invalid especially because this 'theory' has substantially more documented evidence than the universally accepted theory of Gravity.

I understand that it contradicts made in God's image, some people go with God helps evolution along (which doesn't make sense), and most religious people I know believe that God was involved in the initial creation.

Bearing in mind there's already massive amount's of evidence showing our ancestors, and that to observe evolution with our 'eyes' would take millions of years. What would it take to believe that evolution is a reality?
參考: ur details to ya question<3 lmao!!!!!!!
2009-10-15 11:29 pm
We simply need to dismantle the brainwashing done by religion.

Until then, most people simply will not realize that the theory of evolution has 1000 times more evidence behind it than, for example, the theory of gravity.
2009-10-15 11:34 pm
There is a great old movie called "Inherit The Wind" with Spencer Tracy about the true story of the "Scopes Monkey Trial" that debates the hole evolution/creation issue. A high school teacher was arrested for teaching evolution and put on trial for it. When this case happened (early 1900's) it made world news. It is a fine showcase of the positions of each camp, defended/prosecuted by legal giants. A must-see.
2009-10-15 11:31 pm
The earth is billions of years old and we were created by God.

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