Did God create Adam and Eve as perfect humans?

2009-10-15 4:22 pm
Since God is perfect, all of his characteristics resemble perfection. Adam and Eve would have needed to share all of Gods characteristics, as anything short/less would not be perfect. I'm sure we would agree that a characteristic of God is to not make a wrong decision, so Adam and Eve should not make a wrong decision as well. From Gods perfection, he finds the decision of eating the forbidden fruit as wrong. How could Adam and Eve pick the wrong decision if they are perfect as well? Would God then fall into the temptation of the devil as well? Adam and Eve have free will, but their freely determined decision would be the same as Gods - the perfect decision, otherwise they are obviously not perfect.

Also, perfection cannot make itself imperfect - a perfect Adam and Eve cannot make the wrong decision, as if they did, they were simply never perfect to begin with.

This question is for those who believe Adam and Eve were created perfectly... I know there are a lot of theists who do not believe this to be true.

Shixapen Shixalope: Glad your religion has made you a sexist. debbie2243: "He being a perfect angel had a flaw" Huh? he was not created perfectly if he has a flaw - can you not see this? I like being raported: Yes, this question was for those who believe they are perfect. valirie chan kim: Wow... did you even read my question? If they are perfect, by the same characteristics which make God perfect, but fell into temptation, are you then saying that God to would fall into temptations? Talos(aka Revan): I'm an atheist... I just enjoy asking questions.


HeLovesUsAll: Actually, the subjectivity does not matter - we can conclude what is perfect is what God is; especially since he is the only thing to compare to before creation. If we consider a perfect characteristic of God is to never make a wrong decision, than Adam and Eve would also never make a wrong decision. Though, if we think God can make a wrong decision, the complete validity of the bible is thrown out the window, as anything is just as probable.

回答 (13)

2009-10-15 4:29 pm
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Well the bible says God called his creation GOOD, not perfect.

In other news, it is literally impossible for 2 individuals to repopulate a species. Even if Adam and Eve had totally different genotypes (unlikely as Eve was a clone from Adam's rib) within a few generations the homozygosity rate would be far too high to produce viable offspring.
2009-10-15 4:29 pm
YES! definitely YES, because the purpose of God is to live happier here on earth, but adam and eve didnt listen to the commandments of God because there is one serpent(snake) who make challenge God's authority, so they follow the serpent that satan, so the result is we get sick, die, old, because we inherited sin from adam.
2009-10-15 4:33 pm
Adam and Eve were created perfectly in God's Image. They were given the ability to choose between right and wrong. GOD DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES!
2009-10-15 6:56 pm
Man was made not knowing right from wrong. They were perfect. God in His wisdom gave them the right to choose to obey Him or not to. This is called free will. Satan and the angels all have this free will to live or exist according to how God wants it or not. Jehovah God being the Sovereign of the Universe, has the right to tell everything He created what is right or wrong.

You keep referring to Adam and Eve in the present tense. They died so they are no more. They had everlasting life in their hands and lost it. They were created to live forever. Remember that God told Adam they would die if they ate from that one tree. Satan did have his slimy hand in it when he flat out lied to Eve and told her they would not die.
2009-10-15 4:46 pm
This is actually a great question and one I used to pose in my agnostic beliefs. What makes sense to me now is that we should identify what is "perfect". I used to think of perfection as a state where there would be no problems, errors, suffering, etc... If we can establish/agree that perfection is Good, lets leave the word perfect/perfection and focus on what is "Good" (as the Bible uses "Good"). I now believe that God is Good (absolutely) as God is the very definition, given He defines the Truth (or He Is). Good (to me at least) is Love, Truth, and Altruism (unselfish) and therefore Evil/Bad would be the opposite (Hate, Lies, and Selfishness). Without rambling on apply this to Adam and Eve and we could perhaps understand that Adam and Eve were created to be Good and Good only but perhaps without "Free Will" or the choice to gain the knowledge of Good and Evil they would have been puppets or robots and not individual spirits. I truly believe this is a great question as I used to say myself how can a perfect being create imperfection. Trouble for me was I answered that question as an agnostic that considered every philosophy and/or religion except for Christianity (my goal was to disprove Christianity). Given I have the same liar within me I could be wrong on all of the above. But makes for great thinking ;-) Keep thinking as if we seek we will find! Sorry if this doesn't help
2009-10-15 4:43 pm
Its True that when Adam was created he was created in Gods image, his qualities and such. But while being created he was given free will. Eve to was created but some how satan deceived Eve by lying to her. I to question how eve could be deceived being perfect but what good would knowing that answer do anyway, what happened happened. but i digress. The bible says that eve was deceived, but when God asked Adam what he had done, He blamed god for giving him eve. While doing this he showed t
2009-10-15 4:33 pm
Well, I have come to understand that the idea of perfection in the Greek language, which was used to write the NT, does not mean beyond making mistakes. It means completeness. Adam and Eve were complete. They were two reasoning humans made with perfect health and reasoning capacity. Even God said that all that he made was 'very good'.

Gen 1:31....

But, he didn't want robots. He created Adam and Eve with the capacity to decide if they were to continue to stay faithful to him. They decided, being perfect, that they didn't want to obey him. That's what makes it worse. They didn't have to deal with the imperfect tendency to sin like we do. They actually just chose to sin. We choose not to, but do anyway because we inherited sin from them. (Romans 7:21-25)

Also, Satan was once a perfect angel and decided to rebel against God. Satan even took a large number of the angels with him. Rev 13:2
2009-10-15 4:35 pm
They were created perfect. With free will they chose wrong.

The act of self-rule is what got them, believing they could be like God and decide what is right and wrong.

There were two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
2009-10-15 4:34 pm
Had they been perfect, they would not have initiated the fall. They had the potential to be! But they also were built with the human condition within.
2009-10-15 4:29 pm

You forget the devil was also perfect and was in the presence of God almighty.

He being a perfect angel had a flaw....he wanted worship for himself...free will and wrong thinking eventually will lead to his death.....But in the meantime Adam and Eve also had free will to choose how to live their lives. To obey or listen to the devil and disobey? what a dilemma.

She though she were missing something and disobeyed...Adam did not have to follow her in her deadly course but probably loved her so much his thinking was clouded.

Each of us though imperfect possess that free will. Do we allow Satan to rob us of everlasting life or do we resist him as Jesus did and trust that God will reward us for doing so?

I for one will follow Jehovah God for he alone can give me life eternal...Satan is helpless.

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