A question to Jehovah's Witnesses?

2009-10-15 4:07 pm
I know & understand what you believe about the 144,000 & I agree that is what the bibles teaches .
I was just wondering at the end of the thousand year reign , what will happen to them .
Will they return to earth or stay in Heaven with both Jesus & Jehovah ?

回答 (13)

2009-10-15 4:23 pm
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I don't see the need the for them to be in heaven past their assignment. Everyone will be under Jehovah including Jesus. However the bible says nothing but perhaps the new scrolls will. Also it would be nice for many earthly Jws to see their love ones in the flesh even if they must wait 1000 years before that happens.

I know one sister who lost her grand dad to death but he has the heavenly reward. But she still desires to see him again one day.

4 thumbs down? How pathetic!
2009-10-15 11:09 pm
They stay in heaven. They are a new creation. We don't know just what their role will be, but the bible never says anything about them returning to earth.
2009-10-15 11:14 pm
NO. They will not return to earth, but they will stay with Jehovah and Jesus, because their hope is already in heeven.
2009-10-15 11:38 pm
The apostle Paul apparently thought his assignment would last forever: "...and thus we shall always be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

There is no direct indication that, as spirit beings, the resurrected 144,000 will return to earth.

However, in the new world, God will "dwell" with his people on earth in a symbolic way. "The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them." (Revelation 21:3)

God will not himself literally live on earth, but the new earth will be under the rule of God's kingdom by Jesus Christ.

So, there are different ways of looking at the question, and we will probably not know for sure until that blessed time comes.

It's wonderful that we still have many, many things yet to learn. But we will have an eternity to learn them.
參考: The HOLY Bible
2009-10-15 11:59 pm
they will not be back to earth. they will be with Jehovah and Jesus forever in heaven.
參考: JJJ
2009-10-15 11:20 pm
They have become a new creation from human to spirit and will remain in heaven forever.
Time with Jehovah is much faster than our time. So the 1000 years the 144000 serve as kings and priests...their time lasts 1 day.....because a thousand years with us is but a day with Jehovah...they will accomplish other tasks that Jehovah has for them to do.

After the 1000 years the job of ruling over the earth reverts back to Jehovah and he will guide us from then on.....

It is as if Satan willfully messed up the room...and Jesus was given the task of cleaning it up...then when he is done his father comes in to inspect it...and says well done my good and faithful son....now we will punish the one who messed it up..Satan you will live no more...
2009-10-16 12:06 am
New scrolls will be opened during the 1000 year reign. So within that time Jehovah will reveal what they will do after the 1000 year reign. All in due time. We just have to have patience. And be there to see.
2009-10-15 11:54 pm
Jehovah is wiser than us and knows the answer. When the time is right he will let us know, if it is for us to know. We should trust in Jehovah as he knows the best thing to do. He never fails. Until then all is speculation.
2009-10-15 11:33 pm
there place is in Heaven with Jehovah and his son =)
2009-10-16 12:49 am
They will remain in Heaven.
They are incorruptible and as so, were hand picked to become priests and judges along with Jesus Christ.

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