Seeing Jesus was God in the flesh why did he not cry out?

2009-10-15 4:01 pm
Myself ,Myself why have I forsaken me ?

Mathew 27:46
46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" NIV

If Jesus was God who could have he been calling out too ? An even higher God than the 3 in 1 God ?

回答 (13)

2009-10-15 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And was he calling out to God the Father or God the Holy Spirit?

It makes more sense to believe that Jesus is NOT God, but God's SON.
2009-10-15 11:11 pm
there you go again...making them think....Maybe you will succeed in opening their eyes...and the truth of what is in the bible will reach their heart and they will understand their church is misleading them.

God commands....come out of it my people if you do not want to share in their plagues. God is bringing down false religion soon...real means of the can all see get out of your to the pure worship of Jehovah to be saved...The Kingdom Hall where we pray for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven with Jesus as King of that Kingdom.
2009-10-15 11:09 pm
Did Jesus’ words “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” indicate a lack of faith on his part? No. While we cannot be sure of Jesus’ motives for saying this, his words may indicate that Jesus recognized that Jehovah God had taken His protection away so that His Son’s integrity could be fully tested. It is also possible that Jesus said this because he wanted to fulfill what Psalm 22:1 foretold regarding him.—Matt. 27:46.
2009-10-15 11:09 pm
This same question has been beaten over and over, nailed to a post, and stabbed to death, yet it still rises again.
2009-10-16 6:47 pm
There is no higher God than Jesus' Father, certainly not his Son Jesus Christ. So it is only logical he would call out to his Father and creator at this time of great distress when he was moments from death.

As for 3 in 1, that's how you buy socks, three in one package, it's not who you worship.
2009-10-15 11:24 pm
Man you tryin to fry my allready fried brain dude? An even higher God than the 3 in 1? And I thought I was close to understanding the 3 in 1?
2009-10-15 11:27 pm
Jesus 'took on' flesh and while here on earth; He was completely flesh and yet still completely God at the same time (all the fullness of the Godhead in a body). He chose to separate Himself from the Father and Holy Spirit of the Trinity in order to carry out His Mission of saving all mankind. When He died on the Cross; He bore the sins of the world and there was an instant when God the Father 'turned away' from looking at the sin the Son took upon Himself; thus Jesus actually experiencing at that moment what it felt like to be separated from the Father. The "hellish" part of hell comes from being separated from God. Jesus needed to suffer everything that flesh would suffer (and still not sin) in order to overcome it and be able to pay for the sins of the flesh.
2009-10-15 11:46 pm
**gleeful Chuckle!!** =0)

Once again, you have spoken truth so eloquently!

Wish I had time to stick around for more, but responsibilities must be met outside of cyber-world.

Oh, and to answer your Q, in order to be within the proper boundaries of this forum...It would not stand to reasonable intelligence, and/or truth, for Jesus to call out to a HIGHER God if he himself were Almighty God.

That's why Jesus made it a point to teach:

"...the Father is greater than I am...31 but, in order for the world to know that I love the Father, even as the Father has given me commandment [to do], so I am doing. Get up, let us go from here."--JOHN 14:28b &31.

Have a nice day!
2009-10-15 11:27 pm
Jesus was delerious with thirst and pain. Nothing he said should be taken with more than a grain of salt.
2009-10-15 11:11 pm
This is exactly the kind of thing that obscures Jesus' message.
You are right to question this and all the other issus that rise out of religious texts.
It would be wrong to poke fun at anyone who thinks one way or another - everyone should focus on His message of love, strength and compassion.

It doesn't matter whether He was God or not, what matters is the wisdom he chose to impart brings us closer to God.

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