Property Tax

2009-10-15 12:45 pm
If a person (mortgagee) purchase a flat by means of bank (mortgagor), and the mortgagee rents the flat to a tenant, then should the bank and the mortgagee be charged for property tax in production of income under Inland Revenue Ordinance Section 2 (Owner of a building)??

回答 (4)

2009-10-16 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The owner, ie the person, will be liable to property tax.

According to IRO sectio 5 (1), property tax is charged on the owner of any buildings situed in HK, at the standard rate on the net assessable value.

Since the owner lease out the flat, he generate rental income and the income will be taxed.

Another issue is that, the owner has to pay mortgage interest to the bank. That interest expenses will not deductible.

For bank, it will not be charged for property tax

(P.S : is it the person as a mortgager, bank as mortgagee?)

2009-10-30 21:31:44 補充:
further opinion : the owner cannot claim deduction of mortgage interest under property tax. but he can apply for Personal assessment if he is permanent resident over 18 and ordinanal resides in HK. under personal assessment, he can deduct the mortgage interest.
參考: me
2009-11-03 7:45 am

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2009-10-30 6:10 am
"Another issue is that, the owner has to pay mortgage interest to the bank. That interest expenses will not deductible."

Are you sure?
2009-10-15 2:10 pm
Purchase of properties financed by banks will be charged by interest from the bank. Interest income derived by bank therefore need to pay profits tax. The mortgagee since he has rented out his property, will be subject to either profits tax or property tax depending on the situation.

For reference only!

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 10:39:46
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