好難好難的LCCI 2 Bad Debts

2009-10-15 8:18 am
2007 series 3 code 2506

例如: 2004年

Debtor's balances at 31 December prior to preparation of the final accounts $140,000

Bad debts :
Written off during the year $800
To be written off at 31 December $300

Doubtful debts :
Specific provision required at 31 December $1,200
General provision at 31 December to be a adjusted to 3%

在計算Provision for Doubtful Debts 時 答案如下:

Specific provision required $1,200
General provision required :
3% X [140,000-(300+1200)] $ 4,155

1. 我好唔明點解要咁計????
2. 為何1,200要同4,155相加,這答案是計算什麼的???
3. 為何要300+1200,再俾140,000減?



請以簡易中文解釋 , THX


H I saint02005 你解答得好好好,但是我仲嘢唔明 : To be written off at 31 December & Specific provision required 我明白這兩個已是bad debts ,


1.To be written off at 31 December ,中文我理解 : 將會成為bad debts 在31 Dec,所以在31 Dec,它應該已是bad debts 。既然Debtors' balance 係指在31 December 已經減咗 Bad debts 嘅剩餘額,咁應該Debtors' balance已減咗To be written off at 31 December???? 2. 同樣的疑問在Specific provision required???? thx

回答 (2)

2009-10-15 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
所謂Debtors' balance 係指在31 December 已經減咗 Bad debts 嘅剩餘額,其中有兩項問題款項:$300 bad debt to be written off 同 Specific provision $1,200, 要做調整。
Provision 本身分兩種:Specific 同 General。Specific 係指已經確認有問題而General 係指其他未出現問題不過做定準備。因此在計算General provision 嘅時候你要先剔除有問題發生咗個部份,即係Specific provision同bad debts,然後先計3% general provision。
答案中$1,200 係 Specific provision ,而$4,155 係在Debtors' balance 減去Bad debts 同Specific provision 之後餘額再做 Provision 3%。
2009-10-17 6:33 pm

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